10 Things You Do "For Fun" With Enjolras, past and present!

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(A/N: I know some of y'all like other barricade boys so feel free to come up with your own or steal some of these for your favorite bois!)

1832 Activities:

1. Going on trips to other rallies around Paris/neighboring cities.

2. Write speeches together - you revise each other's speeches and make corrections, although neither of yours needs much correcting.

3. Reading Gavroche stories, and helping him with his homework.

4. Walks around Paris late at night, holding hands.

5. Candlelit dinners.

6. Playing cards or dominoes at the Musain.

7. Doing homework/reading together.

8. Visiting the library, where Combeferre works.

9. Visiting the park, having picnics with the other amis.

10. Dancing to La Marseillaise :D

Bonus: Swordfighting/archery/rifle twirling/flag waving


Futuristic activities:

1. Watching your favorite movies; his favorites are the Waterloo and Robespierre documentaries.

2. Scream along to Carmena Burana in the car or scream-singing the orchestral parts to other classical songs. You're both terrible singers, but the louder the better.

3. Playing catch/soccer (football) with Gavroche.

4. Playing chess or checkers; he also loves Risk, Stratego, and Battleship.  Steer clear of Monopoly ;)

5. Baking baguettes; you're both terrible at it but it always ends up tasting really good.

6. Reading fantasy/action novels.

7. Filming political messages for social media; you've started a page for the Musain.

8. Watching the news.

9. Playing historical trivia with the amis; Enjolras always wins.

10. Open mic night at the Musain, which he hates but you drag him along. Courf is emcee. Enjolras hogs the couch.

Bonus: Dancing to Disco ;)

Other fun activities you'd do (can be for any of the amis)?

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