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^^^He lives! I made a GIF!^^^

Trying this for the 2nd week in a row!

Monday, 2/15 - the quote on the cover of my sketchbook gives out huge Avenir vibes so this can be you x Enjolras or Av x Enj

Enjolras found you in your usual corner of the library, and you knew something was up because that small little smile was upon his face.  "And just what do you think you're hiding up your sleeve, mister?" you questioned with a grin, and he slowly pulled from behind his back a beautiful sketchbook.  "I've seen you drawing in the Musain, and I thought you'd like it, plus the quote on the front describes you perfectly," he beamed...

  "I've seen you drawing in the Musain, and I thought you'd like it, plus the quote on the front describes you perfectly," he beamed

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Tuesday, 2/16 - A busy day!  Gosh this one is romantic :)

Today was full of meetings with the higher-ups in the Parisian government, and you were so exhausted that you practically flew into the apartment and beelined for the sofa without looking where you were going.  However, somebody else was already there, and gave a loud "OOF! Long day, (Y/N)?" as you fell onto his stomach - by accident!  "haaaaa hi, Enjolras, I missed you," you said, already half asleep and he gave a low chuckle and stayed put with his arms around you...the last thing you remembered was his warm breaths against you as you drifted off to sleep.

Wednesday, 2/17 - Last night, I saw a mentalist over Zoom and I honestly don't know how he did it! Mentalist = mind reader.  If you're not saying AWWWW by the end of this, come on, man! ;)

You got selected onscreen to participate in the next mind-reading event and you squeezed Enjolras's shoulder in excitement!  He edged slowly away so he wouldn't be shown onscreen but when the mentalist asked for your name, you introduced yourself and then turned your laptop so Enj was shown and you put your arm around him, announcing, "And this is my one true love, Enjolras!"  A deep blush spread across his face and he looked like he wanted to disappear but then you were both laughing and watching in amazement as the mentalist guessed exactly what you were thinking of and Enjolras tried to think which was more amazing - the mentalist's trick or the fact that someone so wonderful could have fallen in love with him - and the answer was clear.

It was the mentalist's trick.... JKJKJKJKJKJKJK

Thursday, 2/18 - Another unproductive day...we all have them!

"Enjolras, I'm buried in work, I'll never catch back up!" you groaned.  "Courfeyrac distracted me all day and now I have to wake up early tomorrow so I can try to catch up by Monday, and -"   

"Love," Enjolras said softly, cutting you off and pressing a finger to your nose, "it's ok, I'll get up with you...even revolutionaries have their bad days," and it maybe was the way he said it or the way he looked at you, but whatever it was, you felt a sense of calm coming over you and you knew, somehow, everything would be ok.

Friday, 2/19 - a better day! Hope you guys don't procrastinate like I do :D And we need more silly Enjolras so here we go:

"Tra-la-la!" sang a goofy Enjolras, as he burst into the apartment and started sprinting toward you.  

"What th- you alright there, love?" you said, laughing, as he swung you around the room, singing:  "(Y/N) did their homework, (Y/N)'s going to get caught uppp..."  

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Enjolras, it's not all done ye-" but he cut you off with a peck on the lips and you rolled your eyes but you were happy, because he really was so proud of you for doing better...

Saturday, 2/20 - Chill day

You spent the day in the back room of the Café Musain working on university work and speeches for the rally next week.  Enjolras would ask your opinion on certain passages, and you made sure to tell him the truth, like how he needed to add more about minority advocacy, but he was learning how to be a better ally!  In the evening, all of the Amis showed up, not for a meeting but for a warm fire where you toasted marshmallows and drank hot cocoa and laughed and sang.

Sunday, 2/21 - Had pancakes for breakfast and they tasted like scrambled eggs I swear! :D

Enjolras had the horrible idea to make pancakes for the early morning meeting today and you had the horrible idea to join him, without realizing either of you knew nothing about cooking.  First, the batter got all over his new tailcoat, and you accidentally forgot to add eggs, then, once you finally had the right ingredients, you burnt so many that Grantaire, who always got to meetings early, dashed in with a fire extinguisher.  Turns out Grantaire knows how to cook, so he teaches you both, and adds chocolate chips, which are a smash and puts everyone on a sugar high just in time for your rally.

Have a prompt for an Enjolras x reader? I'll do it in 3 sentences! :D

ENJOLRAS X READER ONE-SHOTS/For Thee & Only TheeWhere stories live. Discover now