Enjolras Dream #1

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You opened your eyes, staring at the grassy countryside and the small babbling brook in front of you. The bridge there, made of stone, had since crumbled and the lingering remnants functioned as what appeared to be stepping stones across the brook. The sound of the running water was peaceful, and the foggy moor in front of you was tinged with a pink light as the sun was just beginning to rise.

You felt a small presence at your side, and you turned to see Gavroche – well, rather, you gathered it must be Gavroche, but he was older now, dressed in a more modern style, as if he didn't belong amidst the antique feel of the landscape around you. He gestured across the stream. "Follow the rocks, the stepping stones...," he said, mysteriously, and you took this as your queue to slowly place a foot onto the first rock, then begin to make your way across, toward the fog and toward a new dawn.

Here we will pause and mention that you were wearing a tan overcoat, and the black stitching which had once read E, perhaps for E. Thénardier, had been changed to read A, perhaps for l'avenir.

On the other side of the brook and through the fog, you no longer felt his presence but you now found yourself approaching a stone church from behind. Without wanting to interrupt the potential service happening inside, you peered through the oblong windows in the back. There didn't seem to be anyone inside, so you made your way through the back door, which was unlocked, and out the front. You now found yourself at an old 19th century factory of about 12 stories, and you suddenly appeared on the top floor, looking down onto the bustle of activity below.

Your heart gave a leap as you recognized the Les Amis de L'ABC hard at work, some working by a desk, others conversing in loud voices with each other. You couldn't even remember if you shouted or if Combeferre or Courfeyrac simply noticed you above, but before you could do much of anything, the metal grating floor below you gave way, and you were falling, falling, down twelve stories through sheet upon sheet of metal grating before you hit the ground level with a loud *CLANG!*. Courfeyrac gave a cry of, "IT'S HER!" Suddenly, Combeferre and Courfeyrac together were rushing to you ("Get her out! Get her out!), prying apart the grating with all their might, with their hands and with tools, to reach you, disentangling you, checking to see if you were alright – which thankfully you were, and embracing you; Courfeyrac shaking your hand in welcome.

"Come, come!" they beckoned. "Go sit with him. He wishes to speak with you," they told you, and they gestured across the hustle and bustle of the students' chatter to the desk at the center of the ground floor.

Still a bit of distance away from the desk, you raised your eyes as a man wearing a tan-and-gold-striped vest which you immediately recognized turned at the extra commotion.

Suddenly, time seemed to stop, and the chatter died down to a dull murmur at the edge of your consciousness as brown eyes met blue.

Enjolras seemed stunned at your arrival, almost as if he was seeing a ghost. His cerulean eyes widened and his face paled as he stared at you, unmoving, and you to him, your heart thudding in your chest.

It was clear he remembered you, perhaps from another lifetime, and he was in shock that you were here now, before him.

You couldn't feel your feet as you slowly made your way to his side, almost as if an invisible force was drawing you ever nearer to him.

"Please, take a seat," he murmured, still in shock. You pulled a chair next to his, sitting down slowly, removing your tan overcoat as you did so. You could already see a plethora of revolutionary speeches scattered across his desk, and something intrinsically inside of you felt as if you were settling back into the old routine of listening to his vision of a better future and proofreading whether or not it translated onto paper.

His voice was close to you. "Let me take your coat for you." You passed the long tan overcoat his way, and you blinked and he was gone.

As you awoke in your own bed in 2022, about to face another day, you thought in wonder about how this was the first dream where you had seen his face in perfect clarity.

The look of shock upon his marble visage had said it all.

He remembered you.


A/N: Let me make one thing absolutely clear - I never have Enjolras dreams, even though I try so hard to have them!  Any dream I have is about meeting Aaron Tveit the actor or the couple I have had are so short and Enjolras's face is always blurred, never in focus.  This one was so incredibly rare and special that I had to write it down, fanfic style!  

P.S. In case you couldn't tell, modern-day Dan Huttlestone was at the brook not Gavroche; hope I conveyed that.

P.P.S. The face he made at me in the dream is like no picture ever captured of Enjolras but the pics here are the closest I could get to how he looked at me.  But seriously, I've never seen the guy so stunned before; I swear it was even more intense than this!  His glare sends sparks through ya! I hope y'all are able to experience it one day (and that I have more Enj dreams to share :D)

  But seriously, I've never seen the guy so stunned before; I swear it was even more intense than this!  His glare sends sparks through ya! I hope y'all are able to experience it one day (and that I have more Enj dreams to share :D)

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