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It's been a few days since I've moved back to Seth's and I feel like I'm going insane, everyone except Millie is pussyfooting around me. They keep treating me like a child and I can't take it anymore, originally me and Seth talked and I said I wasn't going back to school, but I need to...being in this house all day is just reminding me of what I'm missing.

I jumped off the bed. Seth had already left for school taking Millie with him, so I didn't have to worry about her. I walked over to our wardrobe and I grabbed a long black sleeve top, a band shirt and some black ripped jeans. I slipped them on and I started to feel a little more like my self, out of the corner of my eye I spotted my leather jacket, I couldn't help myself I just walked over and grabbed it, shoving my hands deep into the pockets. God I've missed this...

I'd just dropped Millie off when I met with Sasha, Dean, Roman and Charlotte. They all smothered me in hugs and for once I actually hugged back, I've missed these guys more than anything, I just wish Becky was here too but she wants to get better and I understand that.

"So how's your day like today?"

"Well I've got fucking double chem and engineering with Mr James, honestly kill me now."

"Seth could be worse, you could have biology, then double maths and to finish the day off IT with that bitch." Dean always complained about Monday's and I honestly don't blame him. "You took the subjects mate." He punched my arm playfully. "Fair play, let's get to school. Don't want our form tutor yelling at any of us again."

I walked into reception just as the bell for first lesson rang, I knocked on the window impatiently. "Can we help you?"

"Six former, let me in."

Suddenly the door was unlocked and I walked back into school, god I never thought I'd miss this hell hole but after numerous months away I kinda do. I know I've got chemistry first and second because it was all Seth was banging on about this morning, trust me I hate double chemistry too but nobody complains as much as him.

"Pssst the junkies back, do you reckon she's you know on the drugs right now?" One of the lower years whispered as I walked past them, I just snarled at the scrawny child before walking to science. "Hold on everybody, just let me get the door. Do the starter please!" I heard the voice I've missed the least cut through the class, my chemistry teacher and before I knew it the door swung open and we came face to face. "God haven't seen you in a while, welcome back!"

"Fuck off."

"Rebecca! Don't you dare use that language around me!"

"Fuck off please."

I hate him, he reminds me too much of John and it makes my skin crawl. I push past him and I spot Seth immediately, still with an empty seat next to him. Everyone looks up at me and I instantly hear whispering, name calling, lies about me but I push all them away as I force an earphone into my ear. I drop my bag down next to Seth and he doesn't even look up. "That seats taken, you can't sit there."

"Well I already have." Seth looked up from his phone and looked me up and down. "Becky? What are you doing here?" His shocked tone was almost scornful. "I was bored." I grabbed my book and I started to write down the notes on the board while Seth just stared at me in disbelief. "I know I'm gorgeous but please stop staring honey, people will talk."

"They're already talking."

"But let's not add any fuel to their fire."

The rest of the lesson I spent ignoring Seth, just coping down anything remotely useful that came on the board. People in front of me turned around to look and gaupe at me almost as if they were shocked I was even still alive, Josh probably told them all I overdosed and died, that's something he would do.

The bell rung and finally double chemistry was over. "You're all dismissed, except Rebecca." Everyone started to pack up, so did I. I'm not staying, I don't want to talk to him especially not alone. I tried to leave but I felt him grab my arm, stopping me. "I said I wanted to talk." He pulled me back into the classroom and he shut the door, pulling the blinds and putting a door stop on the door.

"What do you want from me?" My voice wasn't shaky or scared, I've got nothing to be scared of. "Me and John we're good friends, he told me what you did Rebecca. He told me everything and personally I think it's disgusting, you know he told me you'd be here and when you joined my class this semester it shocked me."

He took a step forward and I instinctively took two steps back. "It's a shame such a pretty girl like you turned out to be such a junkie, you could've been such a model. Why don't you give me a show?" He took another few steps forward and I took as many steps back as I could, my back was against the wall and with every second he inched closer until I felt his breath on my neck. "People like you disgust me, a teacher...nah you're nothing but a perv!" He laughed in my face and I could taste the cigarettes from his breath. "Why don't you show me what a pretty girl you can be, under all those needle marks..."

He brought his hand to my face, while his other hand took a firm grip of my waist. "Why don't I show you how to behave like a proper girl." He started to grasp at my jeans, I grabbed his hands and I tried to stop him but he was too strong. He forced my hands above my head and I just managed to scream before he slammed his hand over my mouth.

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