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He peeled his eyes open slowly and I feel scared, he looked around before stumbling to his feet. I carefully place Becky onto the floor and I stand up to face him, he looks at me and goes to speak him but I punch him straight in the mouth. He immediately lost his balance and fell back onto the bloody concrete. I saw the ambulance's pull around the corner not long after, causing relief to wash through me. Finally my baby will be safe, finally I can make things right...

A few hours later...

I wake up in a hospital bed, I instinctively move my hand to grab the back of my head. I scanned the room and saw it was empty, I kinda remember what happened, I remember seeing John pummelling Seth and him pushing me to the ground but not much else after that. I feel anger and fear still coursing through my veins as I sit up in bed, I feel awful I need to go. I go to unclip my wires when the door in front of me opened breaking my train of thought.
"Ah, Rebecca you're awake!"
"What happened?"
"You took a pretty serious bump to the head, we've stitched you up and we'd like to keep you in for a short while."
"No, I'm not staying here. I'm getting my daughter and I'm leaving."
"Rebecca we really don't advise~"
"You can shove your advice up your ass, I'm going and there's nothing you or anybody else in this damn hospital can do about it."
I stood up and unclipped my wires, I need to get away from here, I need to get some drugs ~ I can't take it anymore...
"Please just sit back down..."
"No, just move out of my way."
He didn't move so I just pushed past him and out the door, I need to go. I walk out of the hospital and I noticed it's night but that doesn't stop me. I rummage through my leather jacket until I find my wallet, I open it up and I see I've got around 60 quid. That's enough to buy 6 needles~
I look up and see Seth's mother, my hands are shaking as I shove my wallet back into my leather jacket.
"I've got to go..."
I walk away from the hospital and as soon as it's pitch dark, I started to run. I turned left, then right and then right again and I find myself outside my old dealers house. I knock on the door and I see a light come on, I feel sick as I watch the door open.
"Kid what are you doing here, it's 1AM?"
He rubbed his eyes before turning his attention back to me.
"I need something, just anything please..."
"Kid I don't deal anymore, you know that."
A tear rolled down my face as I pleaded with him.
"Come inside..."
I stepped into his house and he closed the door behind me.
"I'll have to go have a look, sit on the sofa I'll be right back."
I perched on the edge of the sofa as I dug my nails further and further into the skin of my hands. I need something to take the edge of things, to put my mind at ease and to stop me feeling things, I just want to feel numb. My old dealer walked into the room with two needles, he placed them down on the table and looked at me.
"The ball is now in your court kid. You've been clean for a week...come on don't do this if you need someone to talk to, let's talk."
"My life's a mess ~ it's well and truly fucked up...I just can't do it anymore. I can't be clean, I can't maintain any relationship, I just saw my boyfr~ my friend get beat up and it's all too much for me. I need the drugs to keep me going, I can't do this life without them. I wish I could quit but I can't, I'm sorry..."
I reached froward to grab one of the two needles but he stopped me.
"Do you really want this?"
"No but I don't really have a choice..."
I grabbed the needle and stuck in straight into my arm, I felt the cold liquid pour into my veins. Before he could even say anything I grabbed the next one and I injected myself.
"I don't have a choice anymore, it's either the drugs or my life."
I felt the tears running down my face as I placed the two used needles back down on the table.
"Come here..."
He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me in for a hug.
"From now on I'm going to look after you. I'll get you clean, I'm not letting this keep happening to you, you're just a kid, you should be going out and enjoying yourself you don't deserve this awful life..."
"I can't ask you to do that."
"Good job I was offering then, go upstairs I got a spare room."
We eventually pulled away from the hug and I made my way upstairs. I stepped inside the bedroom and I heard the door lock behind me. I pulled on the handle and tried to open the door.
"Let me out!"
"It's for your own good kid!"
"No! Let me out you bastard!"
I sunk down to the floor and I let my tears flow.
"You'll get through this kid~"
I whispered form the other side of the door.
"I won't"
My last thought fell on my daughter before my eyes fell shut from pure exhaustion.

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