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I woke up in Seth's arms and I instantly felt sick, the urge to take drugs was so strong. I tried to do anything to take my mind off of it but I couldn't, I abruptly stood up from my place on the sofa and my vision was soon filled with black spots. I heard Seth's voice from behind me as I collapsed onto the floor.

I just managed to catch her before she hit the ground, she looks awful. She looks so sick, I call out for my mum as I hold Becky's limp body in my arms. I don't even know what time it is, the last thing I remember is me and Becky talking. I don't know if she's taken drugs, I really want to trust her but I just can't, not right now. Soon I heard my mother calling an ambulance and I felt my heart start to race, what if I lose Becky today...what if I've already lost her.

I tried to talk to her, I tried to get her to respond but she was unresponsive. Her lips were turning blue and my mother screamed at me to put her into the recovery position. I felt sick as I laid Becky on my living room floor. Her skin felt like ice as I took her hand into mine.

"What's going on?"

I cried out to my mother and I could tell she didn't know, I just prayed to see blue flashing lights. I want them to save Becky, she was fine last night...I don't understand what could've gone so wrong in the last few hours.

"Keep her on her side, I'm going to stand outside."

She opened the door and I saw it was still dark, soon blue lights illuminated the dark streets. I was trying my hardest to hold back my tears but I just couldn't as I watched them start to resuscitate Becky. I buried my face in my mother's shoulder as I heard them shock her, I can't watch. I looked up for just a second and I saw Millie, I instantly broke away from my mother and ran to Millie to stop her seeing her mother getting shocked.

I wrapped my arms around her and I hid her face from Becky, I could hear her crying and it made my heart break. She wrapped her tiny arms around me as we heard them shock her once more, suddenly we heard a heartbeat and I felt her hug me even tighter.

"We need to get her to hospital now."

I turned around as I heard the paramedic speak, I watch them place Becky onto a stretcher.. I need to be with her, we've spent too much time apart so I'm not going to leave her when she needs me the absolute most. I kiss Millie on the top of her ginger head before handing her to my mother, who has tears running down her face also.

I climbed into the ambulance and I intertwined mine and Becky's hands together. "I know you can't hear me, but Becky I really meant what I said yesterday I wouldn't be happy without you and I'll love you no matter what because you're everything to me. Now just hold on for me and Millie, please..." I placed my head on her bed as the ambulance started to move, I really mean everything I can't lose her...she's everything to me and I want to help her through this, I just don't know how.

I feel a warm hand holding mine, I know I'm safe. I open my eyes slightly and I see Seth with tear stained cheeks and bags under his eyes. I squeeze his hand and I see his eyes light up, I feel him wrap his arms around me and I can't help but cry. "I'm sorry..." He went to speak but the door opened and two very serious looking doctors walked in.

"Hello Rebecca, glad to see you awake. Now we've been running some tests and we now know what happened to you. Your body shut down from the lack of drugs, you almost died. You we're dehydrated and by what we'd seen you also haven't been eating properly recently. What happened today was very dangerous and you're a very lucky girl. Due to some unseen trauma's, your body has been suffering for months, if the paramedics were even a minute later you'd be dead. So now to prevent this we've got you on fluids and you'll be eating at regular intervals, we understand you don't like hospitals but if you want to get better you'll have to stay here...or you will die, your choice."

My heart started to hammer in my chest, I almost fucking died...oh my god. I almost died, I almost left Millie without a mother. Oh my god, I almost killed myself. I need to get better because I have people who love me, I can't keep destroying myself. I need to do this, I need to stay here and get better because I never thought I'd be saying this but I don't want to die, I really don't want to die.

A/N: Hello!!! I'm back!!!

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