4- I'm in the mood for...

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Mercedes, unsure if she heard him right, repeated what he said in her mind. Realizing he said the word forever, her eyes widened. "What did you just say?"

"I said, I couldn't wait to get you in my arms and to feel your body against mine."

Her brows furrowed, and she shook her head. "No, you didn't. You said you've been waiting forever. What the hell did that mean?"

His mouth curved into an innocent smile and tightened his hold around her. "It meant that I've been waiting all day to have you in my arms. And man, it felt like forever... especially after our talk on Galleon Beach."

She looked into the brown eyes staring back at her, and, at first, she thought the reason his eyes were brown was that he was full of shit. But then she thought about what they talked about earlier and breathed an embarrassed chuckle while closing her eyes. "I'm sorry. I've got a lot on my mind, and as much as I'm trying to have fun as I intended to have when I first came here, I can't seem to get what I wanted to put behind, behind."

"I'll accept your apology... but only if you promise me to have fun tonight. You need to lighten up, woman. Whatever it is that's bothering you; you need to let it go. At least for tonight, and I'd like to remind you, you only live once. And since you said you came here to have fun, I'm not letting you leave my sight until you do. Capeesh?"

She knew he was right. You only live once. Even though she was upset with her grandfather and didn't understand why he changed his mind, she felt it made no sense to drag her friend down or the guy who was trying to get her to have a good time. She looked to their table and smiled after seeing Alona tilt her head back while she laughed at whatever Garrison said to her, then turned around to Hugo. "You know what? You're right. I didn't come here to dwell. So let's get this party started, shall we?"

He grinned. "There's the girl I was hoping to get to see." He got her moving on the dance floor, and after sharing a few dances with them both feeling the need to get something to quench their thirst, they headed back to their table.

Hugo grabbed his glass and swallowed all the contents before picking up Mercedes's empty glass. He waved his head towards the bar and smirked. "Come with me. I'll buy you another drink, and if you'd like, I'll buy us a couple of shots."

Hugo set their empty glasses on the bar, ordered them refills, then turned to his side and leaned against the bar. "Did you want a shot?"


"What are you in the mood for?"

She smiled, then bit the inside of her cheek. She knew what she was in the mood for and what she badly needed to get herself to relax but felt that was out of the question. She looked at the bottles lined up on a shelf behind the bar and scanned each bottle, trying to decide what she wanted. Her eyes stopped scanning when a familiar bottle of liquor caught her eye, and she felt her mouth water. "Tequila."

He followed her eyes to the bottle of tequila and chuckled. "You want your clothes to fall off, don't you?"

She smirked, giggled, then shrugged a shoulder. "Whatever it takes to have fun tonight. Tequila and I go way back. Do you say you want to see me have fun? Well, give me some shots of tequila, and you'll see how much fun I can be."

He turned, put his thumb and pointer finger in his mouth, whistled, then called out, "Hey Maurice!" He waved him over, then pointed to the bottle of tequila. "Grab me a bottle of that tequila, would ya please?"

Maurice's eyes rolled to Mercedes, then he looked back at Hugo and slyly grinned. "Sure thing, HB."

"Come here often?"

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