24- The truth

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Hudson's beating heart came to a screeching halt. With his eyes widened and on Mercedes, he reached down, picked up the phone, and hung it up, not caring to inform the person on the other end of the phone that he would call them back. The look on Mercedes's face, the way she yelled, and what she called him told Hudson everything he didn't want happening. Not right now, and not ever.

Mercedes discovering and seeing him this way was not how he wanted her to find out who he was, and his plan at dinner was to break it to her gently.

Now, he was in deep shit, and he knew it.

"Mercedes... how did you know where to find me?"

Hudson knew that was the wrong thing to say, but he was just as shocked as she was, and it came out the way he wished he said differently.

Mercedes's blood was already hot, but for Hudson to ask where she found him made her blood burn hotter, and it began to boil. She gripped her hips firmer, then snapped, "Excuse me? You just got caught being someone else, and you're going to have the nerve to say, 'Mercedes, how did you find me?' Really Hunter, Hugo, Hudson!" She snapped, emphasizing his real name.

He rushed around the desk, and when he tried going to her, she put up her hand, "Stay right there. Don't you dare come any fucking closer!"

Hudson stopped, he closed his eyes for a second, and when he opened them, he begged, "Mercedes, please, calm down and let me explain. Let me explain what I was going to tell you tonight at dinner."

"Start talking."

"I'm going to repeat this. And I'll keep repeating until you get what I've been trying to tell you in your head... I didn't do any of this to upset you-everything I have done. I have done it for you, to protect you. And to tell you the truth. This was all done with the help of your grandfather, Elon. Please, Mercedes. You have to believe me..."

"Why should I believe you? How am I supposed to believe you after everything has been a lie since we've met!"

"I know what it looks like and how it sounds. But it's nothing of what you're thinking. I can promise you that."

"You're a fucking Bradley! My grandfather despised all of you! So, how the fuck am I supposed to believe you two were working together? Hmm? How? Tell me!" She yelled, releasing her hips and forming her hands into fists.

Hudson's eyes lowered to her hands, saw her hands clench into fists, and held out the palm of his hands. "Please. Please don't hit me. I know, and I understand how upset you are. But please. Let's sit and talk about this. It would help if you listened to what is going on and what has been going on... I'm telling you I'm not who you think I am."

"Ain't that the fucking truth," she angrily mocked.

"That's not what I meant. Remember when I said, I'm nothing like my family, and I'm the black sheep of my family? Remember that? Because that's the fucking truth. I'm completely the opposite of my father and brother. And they fucking hate that I am."

Hudson knew his secretary would be back any minute, and not wanting to discuss anything to Mercedes with her in the office, he begged, "Let's leave here and go somewhere private. My secretary will be back any minute, and she doesn't need to hear what I have to say. She'll go to Sterling and Kaiden. Please. Let's go to my place or somewhere for dinner and sit somewhere far from everyone."

"NO! I'm not going anywhere with you!"

Hudson was afraid she would say that and frustratedly rubbed his face, then combed his fingers through his hair. "Please, Mercedes. Come with me so we can talk. I'll bring you to my place where nobody can interrupt us, and I can show you the things your grandfather and I discussed."

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