16- Please believe me

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Hugo, finding humor in Noah's reaction, leaned forward and looked at him with a shit-eating grin, "I think it's time for you to leave. My girl here doesn't need any more heartache from you." He leaned even closer and quietly said, "And if you refuse to leave. I'll call Marissa, and I'll tell her where you are, with me also informing her of what you're up to. Sound good?" He stood straight and crossed his arms, still smiling. "What's it going to be?

Noah's eyes jumped back to Mercedes's, and he angrily waved his arms as he stepped back. "You're making a huge mistake, Mercedes. A huge fucking mistake."

"Maybe in your eyes she is. But not in my eyes," Hugo growled.

Mercedes walked over and stood holding the door. "Good night, Noah. Go back to your wife and child. As I stated earlier, there is no us, and there will never be an us."

Noah looked at Hugo, furrowed his brows, and pointed. "Don't you dare hurt her, or I will hurt you."

Hugo laughed.

Mercedes closed the door. And as she turned around, her hands went to her hips, with her eyes narrowing as she looked at Hugo. "Do you two know each other or something?"

He nodded. "Yes. We. Do."

"Explain to me how you two know each other. Because it sure looked like you two knew each other very well, with you also knowing about his wife and her name. And don't think I didn't hear you when you spoke quietly. I'm a woman, and I hear everything."

He chuckled at her last comment. "Yes, I know how women have ears of an elephant. And how I know him so well is that he slept with one of the girls I used to take out."

Mercedes's stomach dropped, and then she felt her heart rate pick up. Since she and Noah were talking for a year, it had her stomach feeling sick to think he may have slept with someone after claiming there was nobody else he slept with besides his wife the year they talked and hung out. Curious to know anyway, she asked, "When?"

He raked his fingers through his hair, then exhaled, "About eight months ago or so."

She lowered her head, and her hands left her hips for her face, covering it. "He had me fooled."

"So Noah is the guy you last slept with, isn't it?"

She slowly nodded.

Mercedes felt so embarrassed, she couldn't look at Hugo and sadly sighed, "Unfortunately."

For Mercedes to go out with Noah, knowing what he did to her and the time they spent talking and getting to know each other over the weekend, he felt confused. His brows dropped, his hand went to his mouth, and he started rubbing his goatee hard. "I don't get it, Sadie. I thought what happened between us this past weekend was enough for us to move forward? Did it not mean anything to you?"

"It did," she quietly said, still looking down.

"Then why did you come to Manhattan to see him? And why did you tell me you weren't going out to dinner with someone when, in fact, you did?"

She waved her head and quietly said, "I didn't come here to see him. And I didn't even know I would be dealing with him when I got here. I was supposed to deal with an issue at the hotel with another manager."

"What issue?"

She lowered her hands from her face, looked up, and shook her head. "It doesn't matter. What matters is that I didn't go behind your back to come here to go out with Noah. I came here to work."

"To work," he mocked. "Yet you went out to dinner with Noah, got cozy with him, and then he comes knocking on your door, looking for a piece of ass."

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