19- Give me what I want

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Hudson stormed out of the conference room, pissed off. There was no way he would manipulate Mercedes into falling in love with him for his father's gain. If she were to fall in love with him, it wouldn't be for his father; it would be for him.

About a year ago, when his father had him meet him in his office, Sterling mentioned his plans of getting to Elon. If the methods of busting Elon's manager giving away free food, room, and board didn't work, he wanted Hudson to travel worldwide to cause problems at every one of Elon's hotels and resorts. And at first, Hudson did do just that. For about three months, he traveled around, staying at Elon's properties, and did whatever he could to make Elon think having as many properties as he did was a bit too much for him to handle at his age. But that never worked. As he sent Mercedes and Elon's other best manager, Noah, to those places to fix the issues, not only did they fix the problems, Mercedes and Noah worked their asses off to get the rooms and properties remodeled to make them look more spectacular and stunning. They also strengthened and restructured their staff, the rooms' cost, and upped the amenities each hotel and resort offered.

After finding out what Mercedes and Noah did to the properties Hudson tried ruining, Sterling came up with another plan. At the time, Sterling never realized that Mercedes was Elon's granddaughter. Still, after Kaiden continued following Mercedes around, photographing her, and working with others to plan an attack on Mercedes, Hudson met with Elon, warning him about what his father and brother were up to. He also went behind his father's back and admitted to Elon that Sterling had him travel to his properties and that he was the one who sabotaged them under his father's orders.

It was then Elon mentioned that Mercedes was his granddaughter. Elon told Hudson all about her, how her family treated her, and how he was the one who basically had raised her since the day she was born and that no matter what she did, whether it be giving away his rooms and food to the homeless for nothing, or getting in trouble with the law because she was looking for attention from her parents, or whatever it may be where Mercedes needed him, he would continue protecting her.

Hudson never met Mercedes and only saw her from afar, but when Elon showed Hudson a picture of his granddaughter, he instantly fell in love with her. My granddaughter is the most beautiful person you'll ever meet in this entire world. Her heart is pure, it's full of gold, and she has a love for everyone she meets, no matter what kind of person they are. She came into this world not expecting not to be loved by her parents or to be hated by her brother, but what she did gain by entering this evil world was my love. And I'll be damned if someone ever does anything to hurt her. She has enough hostility in her life, and she doesn't need it any more than she already has. Hudson remembered Elon saying.

Hudson and Elon talked for hours that day. It was that day, Elon gained Hudson's trust and asked for his help in protecting Mercedes. Mentioning that if Hudson were to keep her from harm's way, and if he were true on his word about going against Sterling, he had something in store for him. Hudson never knew what that meant, as he never wanted any money from him. All he wanted was to protect her from Sterling and Kaiden after hearing what their plans were with her, and that was how they wanted her gone, completely gone.

Hudson went home that night and stared at the picture Elon gave him of Mercedes. He thought she was a gorgeous woman. The most stunning woman he'd ever seen, and he couldn't believe how much hate her family had for her. What drew her to him was how similar their lives were. Knowing what he now knew about Mercedes, the thought of his family's plan to hurt her, and Elon's request to help him protect her, he came up with a plan. He called Elon, informing him he was willing to give up everything, to help protect her from the evils of his side of the family, along with anyone else who ever tried to hurt her.

That night, after talking with Elon and telling him he'd help him instead of his own family, Hudson thought long and hard about the next thing he was about to give up, for a woman he didn't know, who also didn't even know who he was. At least he didn't think she knew who he was. But that night, Hudson decided to give up the one thing he enjoyed the most, which was entertaining the ladies. He didn't know why he would give up that part of his lifestyle, but the longer Hudson stared at Mercedes's picture, the more he felt connected to her. He was also captivated by her beauty, which got him more curious to learn more about her.

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