29- I made my decision

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Mercedes nakedly laid in Hunter's arms, and she couldn't stop smiling as he gently caressed her stomach, stroking while talking to her small but growing belly.

As she contently laid in his arms, she thought of Sterling's expression when she mentioned Hudson had impregnated her and how they created the child growing inside Mercedes's stomach with love. And how she also explained that nothing about them was fake, as Sterling so wanted them to be. Mercedes also thought about how all five men in both Hudson and Mercedes's lives will no longer be. A small giggle exited her lips when she thought of how they all cried their eyes out after the judge gave them their final fate.

"Your father's facial expression, as well as everyone else,'s when I mentioned I was pregnant with your child, and their sentencing was priceless."

"It was, and I loved it. Although I'll admit, I, too, was just as shocked as they were when you told them you were pregnant after you said you weren't going to give them the satisfaction of knowing we had something so special entering our lives."

"I wasn't going to. But seeing them all being arrested and knowing where they'll all be for a while, I couldn't resist. At the moment I was in, and how I was feeling, I felt it'll make them all go stir-crazy while they're in prison, knowing they lost, and we won. We'll be that happy, loving family they didn't expect to see us ever having."

Hudson pulled her up on top of him, and as her hair fell into his face, he ran his fingers through her hair, pushing it behind her and holding it. "We did win, didn't we?"

"Yes," she happily said. "We won every odd there was against us. And now that we know where everyone who wished me harm, or who wished I'd give up everything because they wanted the piece of the pie with them also feeling I couldn't handle running my grandfather's empire on my own, are right where they should be. In prison and rotting the rest of their lives away in their cell."

He rolled them over, and as he laid on top of her, Hudson didn't say a word as he looked and studied the face of the woman; Hudson threw everything away so that he could have Mercedes in his life. The longer he studied her, and the more he realized what was coming in five shorts months, he felt his heart growing in size. A size he thought would eventually break open his chest.

"I know I gave up everything to be with you and that I couldn't care less about. My father may have been a schmuck, but one thing I did learn from him, was to save the money I earned. And I did."

"But I-," Mercedes starting saying but was cut off by Hudson as he pressed his finger to her mouth.

"Shh. Let me speak... I want and need you to know. I don't care what Elon left you. That's yours to do whatever you want with. I'm the one who needs to provide for my girl and the child we have coming into this crazy world. Since I was a child, I want you to know I have been saving money, and this house and my cottage are all paid for. I've also been doing a lot of thinking and have been making a lot of phone calls. And what I have found out is that my father made a will. It stated that shall anything ever happen to him, Kaiden would inherit everything. But then it also stated shall anything happen to Kaiden, everything listed in his will, will then be inherited to me. Since my father is where he is, I have inherited the Bradley hotel chain with how he had his will written. As for the money in his bank accounts, that I will not receive until he passes away, to which I couldn't even care less about, to be honest. Especially since what I'm about to tell you will be more than enough for me to provide you and our kids for life."

Mercedes's eyebrows formed to one and asked, "Hudson? What are you trying to say?"

"I sold my father's pride and joy. His hotel chain."

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