8- Full of surprises

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Mercedes walked into the fast-food restaurant she had called earlier to place her usual order, and when they saw her walk in, the manager smiled. "Hello, Mercedes. It's been a couple of weeks. I was beginning to wonder if you moved away or gave up doing what you do."

She smiled, then looked down as she opened her purse and removed her wallet. "No, I didn't do either one. I was in Antigua for a little vacation."

"Oh, how nice. I'll bet it was beautiful there and much nicer than it is here."

"It was gorgeous. And now I'm back to reality, where it's cooler. Today is definitely feeling like fall," she said, handing the manager cash.

"Are you okay? You look a bit saddened and not your usual chipper self."

She nodded, then sighed, "I'm alright," she said as he placed her change in her hand. "My grandfather passed away early this morning, hence the saddened look."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Elon was a good man." He leaned forward and smiled. "Now that I know why you were away, I understand more why your grandfather was in here buying the usual."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "He was?"

"Yes. He was in here daily asking for the Sadie usual. He asked me not to say anything, but since he's no longer here, I figured you'd like to know."

"Wow," she quietly said, amazed. "Thank you for telling me."

"You're welcome," he smiled. "I know you mentioned once he hated what you did, but if you were to ask me, I think it was all an act. He commented the other day about how proud of you he was and loved how big your heart is. He also said you're an inspiration and that more people need to be like you. Then he noted that whoever wins your heart someday, he'll be a lucky man."

A couple of employees walked around the counter holding bags. Mercedes was so in awe with what the manager admitted to her; she didn't even see them waiting to help her carry them to her vehicle. You're in for one hell of a surprise... her grandfather's words ran through her mind, and she wondered if this was what he was talking about.

The manager pointed over to the employees. "Your food is ready."

"Thanks, Marco."

Mercedes found a spot to park, and after placing coins into the meter, she walked the sidewalk, stopping to talk, hand out food, and see how things went while she was away. The one person she looked forward to seeing how they were doing, she never saw.

She walked around for a bit, delaying going to the shelter with hopes she'd finally run into him. Adam, an older gentleman who was often around the man she was looking for, was sitting on a bench eating his hamburger. She sat next to him, crossed her leg over the other, and looked ahead, scanning the people walking the sidewalk. "Adam? Have you seen Hunter today?"

He shoved the last of the burger into his mouth, shook his head, and hummed with his mouth full, "No. He hasn't been around for a couple of weeks now."

Her brows drew together, and she turned to him. "Did he say where he was going?"

"No, ma'am."

"Huh... he never said anything? Nothing about finding a job or a place to stay?"

He swallowed the last of the remnants in his mouth, then wiped his mouth. "No, he never said a word."

Feeling bummed, she looked down at her purse and bit her bottom lip, thinking. "If you happen to see Hunter, can you tell him to meet me here, on this bench, at seven tonight?"

"Sure can." He studied her face, then looked at her with concern. "Is everything okay?"

She slowly nodded, then sighed, "I missed him while I was away, and I just wanted to see how he was doing. I also want to tell him something about my grandfather."

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