17- Don't talk, just show me

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Mercedes wanted to kick Hugo out of the room and never hear from him again after finding out Hugo was also Hunter. Still, as he pleaded for her forgiveness and displayed the same ashamed look as he did while playing Hunter, it got her thinking back to the day on the bench when she sat there waiting for him to show.

She remembered asking him why he hid his face, why he whispered, and what his response was, telling her he was ashamed, how he didn't want her to hate him, and how adamant he was worried that she would hate him. She also remembered him saying she wouldn't understand.

Now she understands why.

He was afraid to tell her who he was.

Mercedes finally giggled when Hugo asked if it was his cock that she liked the most about him. She turned her head to him, smiled, and lied, "No. Your cock isn't what had me like you more."

He leaned closer to her and smirked. His eyes roamed down to her lips, traced his lips with his tongue, and asked, "Liar. If it's not my cock, then what is it that you like most about me?"

"I like your persistence. I like how you make me feel whenever I'm around you. I like that you didn't give up on me when I left you hard and horny in Antigua. I like that you continued trying to grab my attention and how you came into the women's restroom to talk to me. And the best thing about that was that you had to listen to how we girls talk to one another about the men we like," she giggled.

"I also liked that after we had sex, you didn't walk away like other men have that I've slept with."

"Do you mean Noah?"

She embarrassingly nodded, "He was one of them, yes."

He frowned, "There was more?"

She turned and looked to the ground. "Unfortunately, there were a couple more."

"Would you like me to find them and kill them?"

She smiled, waved her head no, and giggled. "No. You don't have to do that."

"So, is that all you like about me? Or is there more?"

"I like that you tried grabbing my attention as a homeless guy, but I hate that you lied to me about that. But it also shows me that you have a heart that's just as gold as mine. That you don't look down on them because of what they are. That itself is worthy enough to allow you to stick around and for me to not kick you to the curb just yet. But I do have one question for you."

"Okay, shoot. Ask away."

"That day I waited for you on the bench, did you know I was there? I know you said that you were walking and saw me, and when I asked where you were, you said looking for me. What's the truth there?"

He grinned. "All of it was the truth. Garrison and I came home earlier than planned. When they lost our luggage, I was pissed cause I wanted to see if I could find you, to see how you were doing. Garrison offered to stay behind. So, my ride came, and Marty drove me around the city. I wasn't sure where I'd find you, but I had a gut instinct that you were roaming the streets looking for me. So I had Marty stop at the store; I bought a beard, then had him drop me off and wait. When I walked around the corner and saw a woman sitting on the bench, I instantly knew it was you and headed over to make sure it was you since your hands covered your face. When I heard you say you're a fucking idiot, I recognized the voice and knew it was you."

"That explains when Alona called and asked where you two were, you were at the airport. You went back to the airport after I took off... my shoe..."

He snickered, "I have it in a safe place at my place. And if you want it back, we'll have a Cinderella moment. How does that sound?"

Her heart melted, and as she responded, she smiled, "You really are a romantic, aren't you?"

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