Chapter 6. He is always saving my life.

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*The next day*

Kaia's POV 

I didn't leave my room yesterday after everything that happened and it made me think that I really can't let Aiden help me with anything if I want my mom to love me again. 

I need to make him see that I can do this by myself so he won't help me. 

Also, I ended up turning off my phone because I just didn't want to be with the world in general. 

All I did was watch Netflix and stay in my bed for the rest of the day. 

But today, is a new day. 

With that thought in my mind I went downstairs, thankfully my parents at least put the ramp so I could go down with the wheelchair. It is the first time that I'm doing this by myself, so I'm scared that I might fall. 

I didn't though, which made me be more positive and made me believe that I can really do this. 

"Kaia? Oh my God, how did you get down here?" Aiden asks once he saw me. "I was about to go and give you the breakfast that I made for you." 

"Thanks but I was able to go down the ramp by myself." I said proudly. 

My dad looked at me and smiled a little but didn't said anything because mom was there. 

Mom didn't said anything either. 

"Well that's a progress!" He said happily for me and put my breakfast in the table. "We can now eat together." 

I nodded and look over to mom but she didn't even looked at me. 

I sigh as I was trying so hard not to let her put me down. 

"So, how has work been dad?" I asks, trying to make conversation since it was so awkward without my mom talking to anyone. 

"It's been busy but you know I love what I do." I nodded, understanding. "How's Louis? Have you talked to him?" 

Then I remembered that I left him on seen yesterday and not in a good term. 

"Uh yeah." I said and tried to hide my stress face, but Aiden saw and was questioning me with his eyes. 

I avoided them. 

I ate pretty quick so I could go back upstairs and call Louis. 

I hope he isn't too worried about me. 

"Wow uh you ate pretty quick..." Aiden said as he looked at my plate which was all empty now. Since I didn't ate yesterday I was hungry either way. 

"Yeah, I didn't ate yesterday so today I was pretty hungry." I said as I went to leave the empty plate in the kitchen and actually tried to wash it as quickly as I could. 

Everything was going great, but then of course something bad had to happen. A lot of water splashed all over me and without noticing it, I let the plate fall to the ground... making it break into millions of pieces. 

Which made a lot of noise. 

Which then lead to my mother coming into the kitchen with my father and Aiden looking worried behind her. 

"Are you okay? What happened?!" Aiden asks and then saw the broken plate on the floor, water all over me. 

He figured it out. 

"Here, let me help you-" My mom stopped him as he was about to come towards me and also stopped my dad. 

"You did this mess, you'll clean it." She said. I wanted to cry. 

I felt like a 5 year old. 

Aiden looked at me with sympathy in his eyes and I just shook my head at him, trying to put a brave smile on and they left. 

How I'm I going to do this? 


After a long time in trying to pick up each broken piece of the plate, I was finally able to pick up most of it, there was only missing one. 

I picked it up and actually cut myself, but somehow, it didn't hurt. 

Why? I have no clue and it cut a lot on my hand. 

It was actually bleeding. 

I'm I going crazy or what? Why isn't it hurting? 

Not thinking much about it, I took ice and towel and put it on so the blood would stop. 

After leaving everything clean and my hand stopped bleeding, I went upstairs. 

My brother was waiting for me in my room. 

Honestly, going up the ramp was more difficult than going down, which is obvious because of gravity. And my now injured hand. 

I was still with the ice on my hand and it has stopped bleeding but this would help so it wouldn't get infected. 

Also, I have to put a band aid on. 

"Hey, you okay?" He asks as soon as I wheeled to my room. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said and tried to hide my watery eyes. 

Now I want to cry... great. 

What happened to my positive attitude today? 

I went to the bathroom and was about to close the door but Aiden stopped me. 

"Oh my god what happened to your hand?" He asks as he saw the ice in my hand and a bit of dried blood. 

"I just cut myself by accident, it's no big deal." 

"Kaia, let me help you-" 

"NO! STOP IT!" I said as he took the ice from me. I know that he only wants to help me, it's obvious, but I just have to try and do this by myself. 

He was taken aback by my yelling and looked at me confused and hurt. 

"I'm sorry-" 

"No no I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you." I said as he gave me the ice back. "I just... I want to try and do it by myself okay?" 

He nodded and watch me as I took a band aid that was in the drawer so I was perfectly fine reaching it. 


After putting the band aid on, Aiden was looking at me proud. "I'm sorry I'm not letting you do anything, you can clearly do it by yourself." 

I smile at him a little and nodded. "Maybe hearing my mom saying all those things was all I needed in order to try and actually do it." 

"Even if it was mean?" 

"Even if it was mean." I said and Aiden nodded, again looking at me proud. 

"I'll go to my room. You know if-" 

"Yeah yeah if I need anything I'll tell you." I smile at him and he smiled back and left my room. 

I honestly think that now he is more relaxed for me. 

But that cut in my hand did not hurt me at all and he didn't noticed that, thankfully. 

Taking my phone, finally, I was able to text Louis. 

I had so many missed calls from him, making me feel bad. 

I called him back immediately. 

He answered at the same time I called him. Or well, almost at the same time. 

"I'm so sorry!" I said as soon as he picked up his phone. 

"You almost gave me a heart attack Kaia. Are you okay? What happened yesterday?" 

So I told him. I told him everything I heard my mother said and how I ended up locked in my room because I just wanted to be alone. 

He understood and he began to say stupid jokes to make me laugh. 

Which they helped a lot. 

He is always saving my life, even when he does' t do it on purpose. 

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