The Preacher's Daughter

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- Krystal Yasmin Megantine -

I ran, I ran so fast I thought I might die and go to hell. Yes i would go to hell if I did not make it to church on time. Right? I don't know, I just can not miss church for anything. Why? Because my daddy's the Preacher he would kill me if I wan't there, and I sing in choir. My white dress blow behind me as I ran, my hair all in my face I Didn't have time to pull it back and I was running to fast. It was 9:58 I only had two minuets to get there. Thank God I passed the Plant shop that means I only have 4 minutes to go but I am running so hopefully I'll get their in two. Yeah I will get their I just gotta run really fast. I passed the group of boys that i knew from school seeing Derick in specific who goes to my school aswell, being the friendly person I am I waved a quick hello and ran off. I pulled the door open to have all eyes on me, I looked at the clock witch was right under the cross it read 10:01. I ran to the back to get my white and blue robe so I can sing in the choir.

"You're late." My father said in a strict tone.

" I know daddy but my alarm clock didn't ring and- " I tried to explain my self but shortly got cut of by my father.

"No ifs or buts. Now go put on your uniform, hurry, hurry." He rushed me out.

After church was over I rushed out I still had to homework to do. " Bye daddy, see you at home." I said making my way to the library witch was a 3 minute walk. I lived in a little, little town in Bantam, Connecticut everything was in walking distances and everyone knew everyone. I passed Mrs. Potts Plant Shop, it was a old lady who ran a plant shop.

" Oh, Krystal darling how are?" I heard Mrs. Potts sweet voice.

" Mrs. Pott! I am doing fine, and you?" I replied kindly.

" That's good. I am excellent, happier then ever."

"Can I asked why?" I asked Mrs. Pott, she was always nice and happy but never this joyful.

" Because sweetheart, my grandson moved in with me. He was having a bit of trouble at his old home." She whispered the last part.

" Well glade to hear you are happy."

" Would you like to meet him?" She asked. Honestly I did'nt feel like meeting a nine year old but i was'nt going to be rude.

" Um, yeah of course." I said smiling

" Blaaaaaake!" She yelled into the flower shop/ house. A boy with bright blue eyes, dark brown hair, at least 6'1 came out.

" Blake. This is Krystal Megintine. Krystal this is my handsome grandson Blake." He was stunning so freaking gorgeous. We awkwardly shock hands as he gave me a smirk, he was no where near nine he had to be at least 16.

" Krystal, if it is not to much to ask can you show Blake around?" It is to much to ask for.

" Yes of course." I said. We said our good byes to Mrs. Pott and went off.

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