Chaper 1O

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"Krystal!" I called out for the 90Th time I tried catching up to her but every single time I did she walked faster she practically ran.

What's wrong with her today, just last night she was all over me. I waked in to school probably looking dapperest because Krystal wont take to me.

"Gates, whats wrong?" Mike a friend I made Monday.

"Oh hey, man." I said making my way to my locker.

"Why do you look so down?" He asked.

"No reason." I said looking at Krystal making it obvious that Krystal was my problem.

"Ohhh, Megantine aye." He said eying her up and down. " She's not easy bro. I tried getting in her pants ounce next thing I knew I was on the ground cupping my balls." He laughed. I laughed along as well. If only he knew that I almost got in her pants and not just like a ' Oh I'm going to fuck you' kind of screw but more like a 'love' kinda passion.

"Yeah man. Well it's not that-" I said but soon getting int erupted by Mike.

"Well forget her. There is a party at Westley's cousins house all the way in Gangs Vill Friday you should go." I laughed a bit at how he always refers to people by their last names.


I watched Krystal jokes around with a group of guys. Why wont she talk to me, what did I do. Does she think I pressured her into kissing me. No she couldn't feel that way she kissed me first. She was practically taking the lead. Her horny virgin self was all into it until her dad walked in the house and ruined everything. I grabbed a blue lunch tray and put my food on the tray. I sat at the table I have been sitting at for the past three days with the Jock of course, because I am trying out from football next week. The slutty cheerleaders came to the table, but none of them as beautiful as Krystal she was something spacial.

"Blaky!" Sandy said in her normal high pitched voice. She sat herself on my lap.

"Hi Sandy." I said making it clear she was annoying me but she didn't get the hint. She soon started playing with my hair patting it and playing with the ends. Her shirt was practically falling off. I could see her nipples from this angle. *Cough* whore *cough*. Krystal looked over at us I practically pushed Sandy off me and gave Krystal a smile and a little wave she just rolled her eyes and turned back around.

"Aye, man you got the hots for Krystal?" Asked Jeffery a Jock that sat at the table.

"I mean she's cute, and -" I tried finishing.

"It's fine man everyone has their eye on her, I mean look at her. Like DAMN, but the preacher would kill any one that touches her!" He said it made me chuckle that I was spacial she put her guarders down when it came to me, and we almost got caught making out hard core.

But why wont Krystal talk to me?

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