𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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After driving for hours upon hours, you'd be surprised at how things all begin to blend in

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After driving for hours upon hours, you'd be surprised at how things all begin to blend in.

All the trees, the plants, the cars, the buildings, everything honestly turns the same shade of grey and no matter how you look at it, you sort of lose your sense of reality and direction.

Adio and I had taken turns driving, and right now just happened to be one of the moments where I didn't have to. So instead I slouched, watching straight ahead in boredom as he drove.

"Yo ass look miserable." Adio chuckled, glancing over at me.

"well I'm not exactly the embodiment of happiness right now..." I said lowly.

"At this point I'm about to pick up a damn coloring book at the next gas station."

"Watchu use to do when you was bored, before all this ?" He asked.

"Read, watch Netflix, masturbate." I said simply, watching as he shook his head at the last part.

"watchu like to watch ?" He asked.

"A bunch of shows, but I'm honestly a sucker for the cliché stuff. 'To all the boys I've ever loved before,' Is one of my favorites." I spoke happily,

"Oh my god, and moonlight is something I can watch over and over again, it's so good and shows how hard it is being black and gay, you should watch it." I nodded with my rant.

He raised a questioning eyebrow causing me to speak up, "wait not like that, it's just that good of a movie that you don't have to exactly relate to it to see how good it is."

"Anime too, I loved anime!" I added

"What about you, what did you do when you were bored?"

"Listen to music, smoke, that's basically it." He shrugged.

"You smoked when you were bored..." I questioned, almost in disbelief.

"I smoked when I was mad, bored, happy. weed just the answer to everything." He responded.

"yikes." I chuckled.

"Whatchu mean, yo little ass never smoked ?" He questioned.

"Nope, never interested me." I shrugged.

"You missin' out." He smirked.

"Am I though?" I said honestly.

"Sure weed is good for the moment, but it doesn't solve anything, it just makes you forget about it until the high wears off and you have to repeat the cycle again..."

He scrunched his eyebrows up and looked at me, "you over think shit..."

I shrugged at his response and returned my gaze to the rose, "you're not wrong, but neither am I."

"Ok then lemme ask you this, when you was stressed watchu do, just sit there and be miserable ?"

I frowned slightly at his words before responding, " I mean, sometimes I guess..but that's just cause' I'm bad with communication. I did try to work on it though and I found that just talking about my problems with someone did help."

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