𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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"Pack yo shit" I told Elijah, " we just got have to go to the Airfield earlier than planned

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"Pack yo shit" I told Elijah, " we just got have to go to the Airfield earlier than planned."

He looked at me with sad, low eyes before nodding.

I wanted to comfort him but we ain't have time for that shit, I knew for a fact that as we spoke, Police was on they way.

It didn't take long before he was exiting the room with two bags, "I packed yours too," He said lowly.

While he'd been doing that I took the time to load the few things we'd taken out of the car, back in.

"thank you,' I nodded before speaking again, "c'mon."

With a nod of his own he walked up to me, but, just as he'd stood in front of me, the faint sound of police sirens could be heard.

We shared the same wide eyed expression as we looked at each other, completely in shock.

"we gotta go." I said quickly, grabbing his wrist and making my way towards the front door.

As I opened it, I immediatley creased my eyebrows in confusion, "what the fuck." I mumbled to myself.

The entire street was littered with black SUV's which sure as hell weren't out there when I'd taken everything to the car.

That confusion quickly turned into realization when I realized just who all those people were.

As fast as I'd opened the door, I slammed it shut, causing Elijah to speak up in confusion.

"What are you doing, we have to go , the sirens are getting louder." he spoke up, eyebrows furrowed.

"Bounty Hunters." I said simply, again, grabbing his wrist and quickly making my way to the back exit of the house, hoping to sneak out from that way.

Unfortunately, it only took one glance of what was outback to see that that wouldn't be an option either.

"fuck fuck fuck." I mumbled to myself.

"How did they even find us, we're quite literally in the middle of nowhere." Elijah spoke up.

"guess my uncle found our location, I ain't think we was onna' phone long enough for him to do that but it's looking like a possibility." I explained.

"so now w-" His words were cut off when a brick came flying threw the window, instinctively causing me to pull him into me, my back shielding us from the direction the brick was thrown from.

As all this was happening, the sound of the sirens were just getting louder and louder, and it wouldn't be long before we'd have the police to worry about too.

Swiftly I unraveled myself from Elijah and pulled the gun from my waistband, I also, with a groan, pulled my bad arm from the makeshift sling.

At this rate, my shit was never gonna heal correctly, and the pain definitely wasn't getting any better either, granted, I wasn't doing anything to make it better.

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