𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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I leaned against the window, staring aimlessly at the numerous trees we passed, actually beginning to count slightly out of pure boredom

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I leaned against the window, staring aimlessly at the numerous trees we passed, actually beginning to count slightly out of pure boredom.

When the car jerked slightly my head shot to my left to see Adio driving with low hanging, red stained eyes.

I watched silently as he'd drift off, lean against the wheel a little, and then wake back up.

"Ok seriously, pull over, I can drive to wherever it is we're going." I spoke.

"I'm straight..." he mumbled.

"you're not, you're falling asleep behind the wheel and I refuse to die because you're too stubborn."

"don't nobody drive my car but me..." he spoke adamantly.

"dumbass, you're gonna get us killed.."

"ay woe watcho' mouth..."he said threateningly.

Not gonna lie, I pursed my lips and stayed silent after that.

It's not like he knew me well enough to care about me. Again, He could kill me now and not think about it later.

I was surprised to hear his deep baritone speak up again.

"man look, even if I thought about it, you don't even know where we goin," he spoke, taking an exit off the interstate.

"Yes, but you could just mark it on the map we got from the gas station." I told him.

He looked like he was apprehensive still, but thankfully for us both, the exhaustion won.

After about five minutes we pulled into a random parking lot and switched sides.

Once we settled back in Adio grabbed the map and sat back.

"We goin here," he spoke, circling a location with the sharpie.

"We gon need to stop for gas tho so about an hour before, wake me up if I ain't up already," he nodded.

"okay." I nodded, glancing at the map one last time before laying it on the dashboard.

"If sum look suspicious or you feel like sum ain't right, wake me up." He demanded.

"yeah yeah, just go to sleep." I spoke, rolling my eyes.

"and if you even get a scratch on my shit, them pigs gon to be the last thing you worry about..."

"Adio, I got it." I sighed, watching as he gave me one last harsh look before tilting his head back for sleep.

As I began driving, it didn't take long before I began to hear his low snores.

It was about three in the morning, completely pitch black outside besides the street lights.

Honestly, If I was alone, I'd be too scared to drive right now.

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