𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"What is you talm bout?" I questioned, squinting my eyes in question

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"What is you talm bout?" I questioned, squinting my eyes in question.

He looked around him nervously as he picked up the duffle from his feet.

"There's been a bounty set out on you and your friend." He explained.

Immediately I jerked my neck back in question, "a bounty? Why, by who!" I asked all at once.

"I don't know, all I know is earlier today I got ambushed. I managed to get one guy buy himself and make him tell me why I was being attacked. Long story short, they some how knew I'd be meeting you today." He panted.

"proof." I shook my head, "I ain't buying this shit, nobody do bounties anymore."

"Look we don't have ti—"
His words cut off and his eyes grew wide, "get down!" He instructed causing me to duck.

When I did, the sound a bullet went right over my head.

Immediately we both crouched and ran behind his car, using it as cover.

"you believe me now?" He sighed, handing me the other pistol he had holstered.

"show me the rewards." I glared.

He shook his head and quickly pulled out his phone, showing me the bounty that was indeed placed on both me and Lijahs head.

"fuck." I mumbled.

As if shit couldn't get any worse. Now we gotta run from police and bounty hunters.

Slowly I heard footsteps begin to walk towards us, causing me to stand from my crouching position and aim, shooting at the man who walked towards us dead in between his eyes.

"nice shot," Trevante said.

I ignored him and spoke, "you need let your boss know you got the product..."

He nodded and began dialing on the phone.

I continued to look out, hoping not to see anybody else who wanted to put a bullet in my brain.

Who the fuck would set a bounty out on both me and Elijah.

At first I thought it could just be somebody from my past, but the fact there was also money over Lijahs head threw that out.

Who did we piss off that much..

"The money should be in your uncles account," Trevante spoke up.

I ignored him yet again and continued to think, "take me to yo' boss." I demanded.

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