𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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I pressed my ear against the front door, trying my best to hear the conversation between Smoke and Adio

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I pressed my ear against the front door, trying my best to hear the conversation between Smoke and Adio.

It's taken a week for Smoke to finally get back in touch with us, yet rather than call, he chose an in person visit.

He however refused to speak with Adio with me present, for a reason I didn't really understand.

Why didn't he trust me ? What was I gonna do, sure I was a little iffy in the beginning but he wasn't even present to witness that.

I guess people like him didn't trust easily which I could understand. Still though, my life was on the line too, I deserved to be included in everything going forward.

After another minute I gave up trying to snoop, the door was too thick for me to hear anything, and it didn't help that they were talking low.

I sighed before walking to the kitchen, jumping on the counter and grabbing a banana.

I aggressively took a bite out of it, mentally cursing both Smoke and Adio out.

"how dare they.." I mumbled, a mouth full of the fruit.

or vegetable ?

What the fuck are bananas anyway?

My mental conversation was interrupted when Adio walked in, his face hung low with a scowl.

"what happened? Are they gonna help us?" I questioned, watching as he took a seat.

Before speaking he released a sigh and ran his hands down his face.

That instantly brought a frown to my face, whatever smoke had said, it wasn't good.

"nah, they not." He spoke.

"wait, why?" I questioned, a pang of worry hitting my heart.

"it's too risky, they not bouta jeopardize they whole operation for us. Specially not somebody they don't know, and somebody who left the game a long time ago."

"so..." I spoke lowly, "what now?"

I felt completely hopeless. There nothing I could do, no one I could call. If Adio didn't figure something out we were good as gone.

Better yet, what if he figured something out, but only for himself? What's stopping him from doing that...

He didn't really owe me loyalty, and despite us even getting along the last couple of days, it didn't change anything.

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