Welcome Feast

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Y/n p.o.v
Jimin and I walked into the large oak doors. Everything had changed. The marble staircase leading to the common rooms was no more made of marble. It was made of wood. But still moving around. All the decorations were removed and everything looked more minimalistic. More organized and looked like an office more than a school.

As Jimin and I were walking inside along with the crowd I heard a familiar voice calling out my name. I turned around and saw my brother and his friends. "Hi, Yoongi oppa" I call him oppa even though we are twins because he is the older twin.

"Hi y/n. How was your journey?" He asked me. "It was great oppa." I replied as we continued walking into the great hall. "And meet my friend, Taehyung and Taehyung this is my sister y/n" he introduced his friend who was walking along with us.

"Hi, Taehyung" I said looking at him, walking beside my brother. "Hi" he replied and turned back to face front. "Yoongi, I am going in now bye." he said and started walking inside leaving the three of us behind. "Is he always like this?" I asked no one in particular. "Yes. And he has reasons for it. Don't take it personally." Jimin explained. I just nodded.

We walked into the great hall. Nothing has changed here. It is just like how it was before. The four house tables parallel to each other and the flanges hanging mid-air above them. The enchanted ceiling ever so bright with stars shining and twinkling.

Jimin and I made our way to the Gryffindor table while Yoongi oppa walked to the Slytherin table. I spotted Jennie sitting on the bench. I walked up to her and took a seat next to her. Jimin sat beside me. "Y/n, why are you so late?" Jennie asked looking at me.

"I was talking to Jimin and Yoongi oppa that's why I'm late. By the way did I miss something important?" I asked worried that I probably missed an important announcement or something.

"No you didn't miss anything. Except for the announcement that said that all the 6th years and 7th years have to stay back after the feast" she said. Before I could speak Jimin beat me to it. "But why?" He asked. "I don't know why but it's probably important" Jennie said chewing on the chicken leg she was holding onto.

I was also feeling hungry after the long journey so I dug into the food too. There was bbq chicken, mashed potatoes, plum pudding, chocolate cake, fried corn balls, spaghetti and meatballs. I was so full after eating all the food.

Suddenly professor Mcgonagal stood up and walked in front of the teachers table. Soon the chatting died down and all the students except for the 6th and the 7th years started leaving the great hall. As the students moved out some of the professors moved out too.

Jimin, Jennie and I were having a conversation about what the announcement would be about. I looked over to the slytherin table to see my brother. He was busy talking to his friends. I looked to his right and I saw Taehyung.

He was looking at me, more like starring, and as soon as we made eye contact he looked away. And so did I. I turned my attention back to our conversation and blinked my eyes a few times.

"I think it's about some new rules or something because the war is over now but who knows what will happen in the future so they are probably gonna introduce some new rules." Jennie said with a proud smile. "Or it could also be because they wanna beat you up for being this smart" Jimin said rolling his eyes.

"It's not my fault ok? I was born this way" Jennie protested. "You guys! Shut up and listen to what professor is about to say and stop making up stuff" I said and they both looked away from each other annoyed. Jimin and Jennie are always like this. One second they are best friends and the next they are the worst enemies.

Soon the great hall was cleared and only the 6th and the 7th years were remaining. Professor Mcgonagal cleared her throat and grabbed all of our attention. It's time for the announcement!

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