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Taehyung p.o.v

"Where the hell is y/n?" Yoongi asked through his gritted teeth as I stood frozen in his place, thinking of an excuse. But my mind went blank. He just stood there not moving an inch as Yoongi walked up to me and grabbed me by my collar and shoved me into the wall and punched me.

"Yoongi, your sister is in the hospital wing." I said and groaned. "WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING IN THE HOSPITAL WING?" He screamed at my face. "Don't kill me if I tell you this. She was duelling with someone and she got hit by a curse, and don't worry she is safe now. Madam Pomfrey said that she will wake up in a few hours." I breathed out as Yoongi took a step back from Taehyung.

"And where were you all night?" Yoongi asked. "I fell asleep in the hospital wing." Taehyung told him. He nodded. "I'm going to get ready now and I'll be visiting her after that." Taehyung said and walked y/n and his room. "I'm sorry for punching you." Yoongi apologized. I nodded and walked away.

He got dressed and walked back to the common room. Yoongi was still there. "I'm also coming to the hospital wing with you." He said walking with Taehyung towards the hospital wing.






We got into the hospital wing and went towards y/n's bed. "Isn't that your ex?" Yoongi asked me looking towards Irene's bed. I nodded. He took a seat beside y/n's bed. He teared up looking at y/n. "When will wake up?" "Anytime now." I said checking my watch. It's almost 24 hours so she might wake up anytime now.

"Hey she's waking up." I quickly looked at y/n. She was slowly opening her eyes. "Hey y/n are you ok?" I asked her while helping her sit up. "Yeah, I'm ok." She said and looked at Yoongi. "Oppa, what are you doing here?" She asked. "Well, I am your brother so I am supposed to visit you." He said in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh ok. And Taehyung can you tell me what happened and how I ended up here?" I asked him as I could not remember everything that happened. "I'll leave you guys alone. I have to get to class." Yoongi said and got up from the chair. He kissed y/n's forehead and said "take care." And he left.

"Well, you fell unconscious, and then I brought you here. That's what happened." I said as she looked at the other side of the room, where Irene was. "And her?" She asked, still looking at Irene. "I erased her memory of me, so she will not bother us anymore." I replied. It was silent for a moment. I didn't know how to break it.

Y/n p.o.v

I finally decided to break the silence. "Taehyung" He looked at me. "I have something to tell you." "What is it?" He asked me as I looked down nervously. It's now or never. This is the right moment to confess. "I-I have been wanting to say this for a long time. Everything you have done for me has made me fall for you. I like you- wait no, I love you."

I finally said it. I hope he feels the same way about me too. "Y/n, I have had a crush on you ever since I saw you for the first time, I was just too afraid to confess to you, because of my past and everything."

"What do you mean by your past?" I asked him as I didn't know what he meant. "I have a lot of things to tell you. And I hope you don't hate me after I tell you about my past." He took a deep breath and spoke.

"My father was a death eater and he killed my mom. Irene's parents were also death eaters. Our parents were friends. My father forced me to date her, and that's why I dated her. She cheated on me 2 months after dating, so I broke up with her. Ever since then my father never let me talk to any other girl, since he wanted me to marry Irene. So he would hurt any girl I talked to. That's why I was so cold to you at the start of the year."

"Oh, I thought you didn't like me and that's why you were so cold to me." I said looking down, feeling guilty for judging him without knowing the truth. "So now you're free to talk to other girls?" I asked him. "Yeah, my dad and Irene's parents have been arrested."

I felt like I wanted to hug him. So I leaned forward from my bed and hugged him. I felt him hugging me back. I slightly pulled away from him, but not letting go of him. I smiled at him and he returned the smile. "When am I going to be able to go back to our room?" I asked as I pouted because I missed being in our room. "You can come back today." He said and I jumped in excitement.

"I want to see Marshmallow also." "Yeah, you can see her. She is waiting for you." I am very happy. This really feels like a dream.

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