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Y/n p.o.v

I am on my way to Hogsmade with my friends. It's winter already but it has not started to snow yet. I am very eager to see the snow because it makes Hogwarts look so beautiful. I am walking alongside Taehyung, Jimin, Rose, Lisa, and Jennie. We have a day off and we decided to go to Hogsmade. "Where do we go first?" Jimin asked. "Let's go to Zonko's joke shop" Said Lisa, getting very excited about it.

"Ok let's go there then" Said Rose and they started to walk faster, leaving me and Taehyung behind. "Are you okay Y/n?" Taehyung asked making me stop and look at him. "Yes, I am. Why did you ask?" "It's just that you've been very quiet since morning." He said. "It's nothing." I said lowly. "It can't be nothing. I know you. Come on spill it" He said. I felt like I had to tell him so I did.

"I can't help but wonder why you were so cold to me at the beginning of the year and now you're being very kind and caring" I said as he looked down after listening to me. "I promise I'll tell you everything. But just...not here and not now." He said. "It's ok. Take your time, I understand." I said trying to make him feel better.

"Hey y/n and Taehyung, what are you doing? Come fast" Jimin shouted from a distance. "COMING" I shouted back and started walking with Taehyung by my side. We soon caught up with the rest of them and made our way towards Zonco's joke shop.






We were still at Hogsmade, being bored as fuck. Just walking around the streets in silence. Rose broke the silence by saying "Guys I need to go back now. I have not completed the portions assignment." "Oh my god. I didn't do it either." Said Jennie. "Let's go and do it" Said Lisa and the three of them made their way back to the castle, leaving me, Taehyung and Jimin alone.

"So, what now?" I asked. Both of them shrugged in unison. "Typical soulmates" I said as both of them spoke in unison again "I know right" I giggled.

"Jimin, come here" Someone called out from behind us. It was Jin and Yoongi oppa. "What are you doing here?" I asked the two of them. "We were on a date and now since the date is over we are gonna head back to the castle and we also need Jimin to come along with us" Jin said and dragged Jimin along with him towards the castle.

"But we-" "Have a great time bye" He interrupted me and left. "What was that?" I mumbled to myself. "So, what now?" Taehyung asked me. I just shrugged and sighed. "Do you drink?" He asked me out of the blue. I shook my head as a 'no.' "Then why don't you try your first butterbeer today" He suggested. "I-I don't know. I've never tried it before." "Then why don't you try it today." He insisted again. "Ok, but if I get drunk you should not leave me alone and go away. Promise?" I held out my pinky finger for him to promise me. "Yes. I promise." He said showing me his cute boxy smile while intertwining his pinky with mine.






Taehyung p.o.v
I was paying for the butterbeer while y/n was sitting at a table in Madame Rosemetra's 'Three broom sticks'  She was so cute, looking all nervous. She was tapping her feet on the ground while playing with her fingers.

I bought 2 butter beers and walked towards our table. "Why is there so much?" She said as her eyes widened looking at the big beer mugs. "It's just a small mug" I said. "Ok." She said as I took a seat opposite to her. "Here, try some." I pushed one of the mugs towards her. "Ok, here goes nothing." She said and took the mug in her hands as I was carefully watching and admiring how cute and adorable she was.

She took a sip out of the mug. She scrunched her nose and her eyes shrunk from the weird taste. I chuckled at how she reacted. "How is it?" I asked her. "It's strongly bitter with a weird chemical taste and it sorta burns, very unpleasant yet so satisfying." She said in one breath as I was laughing at her reaction.

"You know what, I like it. It tastes so satisfying" She said and chugged the whole mug. "Y-yah, what are you doing!" Omg, this girl is crazy. She looked a little tipsy. But I think I can manage her. "Hey, Kim Taehyung, look over there." She said as I turned around to see what she was pointing to. But I could not see anything. When I turned around to face her, she was halfway done with my butterbeer.

"Y-y/n. It's not good to drink so much" I tried to take the mug away from her but she slapped my hand away. Ouch. She didn't stop till the last drop of beer. When she was done she set the mug down and smiled at me. "TaeTae can I have one more?" She asked with a cute voice, doing aegyo. "No. You had two mugs already and it's almost evening let's go back to the castle.

She started fake crying. Oh god, this girl. I should not have let her drink. Aish. "Please Taehyung. I will listen to whatever you say if you buy me one more beer." She said holding on to the hem of my jacket like a lost kid, showing me her puppy eyes. "No, y/n let's go back." "I said I won't come." She said and sat back down on her seat.

That's it. I'm done. I went towards her and carried her from her seat. She climbed onto me like a Koala, her legs around my torso and her hands around my neck. She put her head on my shoulder and started humming a song as I started walking towards the castle.

 She put her head on my shoulder and started humming a song as I started walking towards the castle

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This was your position if you don't know what I mean.

I just hope Yoongi doesn't see me. He might kill me if he knows that I made y/n drunk. I have to sneak past all of them so that I don't get caught.

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