The announcement

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This chapter is inspired by another book but not entirely. I have just used the idea because I taught it was very cool. But I have made my own additions to it and changed it a bit. Hope you enjoy it!

Y/n p.o.v
Professor McGonagall cleared her throat grabbing our attention. It was time for the announcement! I was so excited to hear what it was. She waved her wand and all the food on the tables disappeared.

"I would like to make an announcement on behalf of the ministry of magic. Please pay attention" she stated. "Like you, all may know since the war the wizarding population has been decreased to below average. So the ministry has made a new law. In this law, all the 7th years will be paired up into couples and will have to get married at the end of the year." Gasps and 'boos' were heard all around the great hall. Most of the students were against this law.

Professor McGonagall silenced all the students and continued. "And for the 6th years, you will be paired as couples and you can make a decision at the end of the year if you want to stay with your pair or not." All of our eyes widened from this. Jimin, Jennie and I exchanged shocked looks.

"The common rooms will no longer exist. You will be sharing a room with your pair. However, there are common rooms for the other students so if you wish to visit the common rooms you are free to do so. You will be given your pairs in the morning. This is a law by the ministry so opposition is not allowed. Thank you." She said and went back to her seat.

The three of us got up from our seats and walked to our common room. I guess this will be our last day in the Griffindor common room.

I have to make a change to the story here. Jennie is also Gryffindor. She is not Slytherin. And Lisa is a Slytherin. Sorry for the inconvenience.

We walked up the marble staircase, oh well it's made of wood now. We got to the common room door with a portrait on it. The lady asked for the password in a high pitched screechy voice. 'Lachimolala' Jimin said and the portrait swung open letting the three of us go inside.

We went in and sat on the couch placed in a corner of the room near the fireplace. It was warm and cozy there. "So y/n, do you have any idea who you'll be paired with?" Jimin asked me. "I don't know. But I have no choice I guess" I shrugged. "At least you all are straight. That is not my case. I am lesbian! What will I do?" Jennie asked with a worried expression.

"Don't worry Jennie we will figure something out. I'm sure the ministry has taken all of this into consideration" I said reassuringly. She just nodded sadly. "I hope I get paired with someone nice" Jimin added. "Let's just think positive and keep our fingers crossed" I said and the two of them nodded.

After a few hours of chatting and catching up with each other's summer stories, we decided to head to bed as tomorrow was gonna be a big day for all the 6th and 7th-year students.

Jennie and I walked to the girl's room after saying good night to Jimin. Jimin walked away to the boy's room. We both climbed the steps to the room lazily and finally entered. "Jennie this will probably be our last night together" I said almost whining. "Yeah, I feel so sad and happy and excited and confused and angry" she said.

"Why all these mixed feelings?" I asked her confused. "Well, I'm sad because it's our last night together, happy because this is the beginning of a new year, excited because I wanna find out who I'll be paired with, confused because everything is happening too fast to be processed by me and angry because how dare the ministry set us up with a person and ask us to live with them?" She said.

"Wow. Ok" I said and slipped into my pajamas that were placed on my bed. Jennie also changed out of her robes. We both were lying on our beds not able to fall asleep. "Y/n, you won't forget me, right? After all this pairing thing and all?" Jennie asked in a low tone. "Of course Jennie, I won't. You are my best friend. Now don't overthink and sleep"
"Goodnight." she said "goodnight" I replied and went to sleep.

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