Chapter 14

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He asked me to dinner... I havent been to one sense mmy dad left....

"Uh..when?" I asked.

"Tonight" He responed.

"Uh..sure.." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Uhm Jason." Luke said

"What?!" He asked. He turned and looked at Luke.

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU FOUND YOUR MATE?" Someone shouted. I leaned sideways and saw a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes standing there looking at me and Jason.

" never came over" Jason answered. The girl turned and glared at Luke

"Why didnt you tell me Jason found his mate!" She asked. Luke.

"You didnt ask." Luke said.

"Quit answering like a man!" She groaned

"I am one I dont know how you want me to answer" Luke stood up and walked over to the girl and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her. She pulled away and groaned.

"Lukeee" She groaned. He smiled and let her go. She then turned to me and quickly came over to me and hugged me very tightly. I gasped and whimpered at the same time. If thats possible. If it isnt I just made it possible. Jason growled and pushed her off me. She looked at him like he was crazy "Dude! I was just hugging her!!!!!"

"Gracie." Luke said softly

"What?" She looked at him. They stared at each other for a few minutes then she looked at Jason. Then averted her eyes to me. Tears were forming in her eyes. WTF HAPPENED?! They didnt say anything.

"What?" I looked at Jason

"Im sorry" The girl 'Gracie' said then hugged me again, lightly, then stepped back.

"Jason?" I looked at Jason with what I hoped was a confused look on my face. He shook his head

"I'll explain later" he said.

"YOUR GOING ON A DATE?!" Graice asked while smiling "omg you need a dress! Do you have one?"

I started at her, really confused by her sudden outburst. How'd she find out? "Uh no..."

"OH MY! go get dressed and brush your hair were going shopping"


About 30 minutes later we were in the car on the way to the mall. Not because I took that long, I only took a few minutes. But because Jason was wanting to come but Gracie said that the dress needed to be a surprise and that caused a major figmall

So now that that was over, me and Gracie were on our way to the mall


so this is short..... I've been having personal issues and kinda stayed away from Wattpad. I'm still having personal issues. I wanted this chapter to b a lot longer but......yeah..... So I try to update....

See ya,
★ andrea

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