Chapter 32

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"Who are those people." Baron asked when I went back down the stairs. I shook my head. 

"I don't even know to be honest. Lexi went to her stepdad's house. I don't know why she did but she did and I guess she found Gayle and her mom there. I don't know what they were doing there all I know is that Lexi want's them to stay with us and Gayle is attached to Lexi."

"Why was the little girl crying" Cala asked

"Lexi's stepbrother killed her sister in the basement. Lexi killed her stepbrother. And we told Gayle to stay out of the basement but we both went upstairs to figure out what to do with her mom because she was passed out and Lexi went to go get Gayle and she was in the basement with her sister I guess."

"Oh my god.." 

"And the mom has cancer. Which is why she has a hat on her head..and they have no money which is why they were at Lexi's stepdad's house." I said.  

The mom wont make it. You know that right? The cancer is too strong. The mom just hasn't told Gayle yet... Fang said. I sat down at the table and put my head in my hands

"According to Fang, Melanie wont make it, the cancer is too strong." I said. Liz hugged Cala

"So what about Gayle" Luke said.

"From what Gayle told me while Lexi was dealing with her stepdad, she has no other family."

"Are you saying give her to a adoption center?" Baron asked

"I meant we keep her. On the way home Lexi saw that all the paper work for Gayle and what ever Gayle's sister's name was in the car. I would just have to talk to the judge about it." I groaned.

"Thankfully almost all the government people are werewolves." Cala said.

"Yeah they could understand this situation better then humans." I replied. Liz let go of Cala.

"Be fight back. Tiffany and Gayle and Lexi are hungry." She said. She kissed Cala's cheek then went to the kitchen.  

"What happens if her mom doesn't wake up soon."  Cala asked.

"Call the doctor."

"Jason...." Baron said.


"Did you check to see how dead her sister is?" He asked


"Ill be back" And then he ran out of the house

"Baron!" I yelled after. "Oh my fucking god what ever."  Luke looked confused. 

"Should we tell the pack about this? I don't think they would like the fact that we kept it from them." 

'Not right now. I need to figure out what I'm doing before the pack knows about it." I said.  Liz walked out of  the kitchen and up the stairs carrying plates of food. 

"Cala can you get them drinks." She said as she walked up the stairs.  Cala walked into the kitchen and got some cups and filled it with milk then walked up the stairs. I sighed and rested my head on the table. 

"My stress level has risen past the the skyscrapers and past the moon" I said. 



Gayle and Tiffany had both fallen asleep I had been sitting here for a bout an hour. I was close to falling asleep. But my brain want letting me. It was wanting to over think. 

Gayle's sister looked so young  and she didn't deserve to die. And even if she did deserve to die she didn't to die that way.  And no little girl should deserve to feel that pain... It wasn't ok.  And what would the mother think when she was told that her oldest little baby died. I could have stopped it from happening. If I went there first instead I could have helped her.

Lexi you need to come down here. Jason said

For what? I asked

Now! Jason said. I sighed and quietly got out of the bed and out of the room. I walked down the stairs Jason was waiting there, but his back was facing towards the door. I walked down the stairs looking at him.

"Jason what did you-" I looked at everyone else. They were all looking at the door. Once I looked at the door I understood why. There standing at the door was Baron. That wasnt the surprising part. The surprising part was who he was standing with him. Now she had clothes on and the blood was wiped away. Gayle's sister looked at us all. 

"Baron who are they....Where is my sister and my mom you said they were here!" The girl cried.

"It's okay, they are. Lexi where is Gayle." Baron asked me.

"Mine and Jason's room sleeping. 

"What about my mom" the girl asked.

"She's passed out in the guest room.." Jason said. "Baron what ha-"

"Guys this is Nix" Baron said while smiling. "My Mate"

"Your what" I asked. Every one seemed as surprised as I was.

"My mate." He said. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to  kitchen table and sat her down. He stepped away but Nix held on to his hand tighter. "I brought her back."

"How did you do that?" Jason asked. Me and him walked over to the table.

"I bit her. She turned and revised her self. I guess a werewolf bite has the ability to do that" He smiled

"Where did you get the idea to do that?" Jason asked.

"In a book I read." He said simply. 

"Yes  but how did it happen."

"I guess the 'venom' that comes out of our teeth when we turn
 someone, has the ability to turn someone when they are dead just as  long as it isn't too long after." He replied. I stared at her.

"I'm sorry about what happened...." I said. She looked at me.

"Who are you.." She asked

"I'm Lexi. Thats Jason." I pointed to Jason.

"I'm Nix.." She said. "And uhm this voice inside my head told me to tell you that her name is Raven...."

I'm Randi. I'm Lexi's wolf. Randi said Nix jumped and looked at me.

Raven...  Nix's wolf replied. I smiled and looked Jason.

"Nix...." A soft voice behind me said. I turned and say Gayle standing there wide eyed and looked at Nix.

"Gayle." Nix gasped













Author's note.


I updated hehe


okay bye

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