Chapter 29

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When I woke up, Lexi was curled up next to me. I smiled. I missed having her small body cuddled up next too me. I missed how peaceful she looked while she slept. Like nothing was worrying her at all. Like she wasn't afraid of everything..

I smiled and got up to go to the bathroom. I was expecting too see my normal bathroom, like normal, like I have always seen when I wake up in the morning. But this time it was different. Even the smell was different, like blood. On the floor, were small blood drips leading too the sink. And then on the sink, more blood with a razor blade laying on the sink. When I say more blood, I don't mean a lot. It looked like the blood was somewhat whipped up the blood and did a poor job at cleaning it.

I didn't know what too expect. I bit my lip and walked over to Lexi. I pulled her left hand out from under the covers and found a bandage on her wrist. I bit my lip harder and slowly pulled back the bandage, revealing several razor blade thin cuts on her wrist that weren't there before I fell asleep. I frowned and covered it up, walking back to the bathroom. She must have done it while she was half asleep which could be why it wasn't cleaned up completely. I walked up to the sink and grabbed the razor blade, throwing it out and grabbing a washrag too clean up the blood. I didn't know how to respond too this. She told me that she didn't cut, that her stepfather would do it too her, so why did she do it now?

And why didn't she talk too me. Why did she keep it in and not let me help. I could feel my eyes start too water. That is all I wanted too do, make her happy, and now I felt as if I had failed her.

"Jason..." I heard a soft voice behind me say. I turned and saw Lexi standing there. She was hiding her left arm, but the tears that stained her face and the ones falling out of her eyes made it obvious that she knew that I knew.








I was such a idiot. I knew I shouldn't have done it. I should have cleaned it up. I completely forgot about it after I put the bandage on. And now I was standing in front of Jason who had just seen everything. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't even look at him. When he turned around he looked at me with such hurt and pain in his eyes I wanted to go back in time and make myself not do it, or collapse on the ground and beg him to forgive me and tell him that I'm sorry over and over again.

"Lexi..." Jason said softly. I looked up at him for a second then back down at the ground. "Lexi why didn't you talk to me.. I could have helped you.." His voice cracked, almost like he was going too start crying. I flinched slightly.

"You were sleeping...." I whimpered. I saw him look at the ground

"I don't care Lexi! All I want to do is make you happy! I'm trying as hard as I can but I guess it's not enough. I just want you too be happy..." He said. I started crying harder

"You do make me happy!" I cried

"Then why did you do it!"

"I don't know!" I yelled

"Why didn't you talk too me?!" He yelled back. I cried harder.

"I'm sorry...."
Author's note

So I updated again, sorry if its sad. I just kinda started writing with out thinking. Sorry that it's short too. Ok so Im excited too write the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gahhhhhhh I might do it tonight. But what everrrrr :p hehehehehehehehehehehehe




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