Chapter 5

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'Im not gonna rape her!' I said to fang.

'well tell her that not me!' Fang growled back

"Im not gonna hurt you! I dont mean mate like that!" I said out loud

"Yes you do I know what Mate means. Get off me!"  She cryed

"Lexi Please stop. I Promise I wont hurt you"

"Get off!"

"Alexis Stop!" I said. She stopped moving and looked up at me. "Im Not gonna hurt you. And I wont let anyone hurt you. You have to trust me."


"Give me a reason on why you cant trust me. Besides the fact that im not human...completly." She didnt answer. "Exactly. I wont hurt you"

"This is kinda off the topic but your hurting me right now." She said


"You saw my back." She said.

"Oh Right! Sorry!" I got off her. She sat up and hugged her knees

"So.....Why am I your 'mate'?" She asked.

"I honestly Didnt choose you. My wolf did. It only took him a year to figure it out." I said

'Heyyy I'm right here you know' Fang growled

"But I am glad its you." I said. She looked at me.

"How? I mean Look at me, Im abused constantly, Im afraid of everything, Im not popular..... you should just... reject me." She said. I growled

"No. Im not rejecting you. I dont care how broken you are I will do Anything in my power to try to fix you." I said. She giggled

"That came out weird but I like it." She smiled. then frowned. "I need to get home. My stepdad will get mad" We both stood up

"Why do you stay with him? Why havent you tryed running away." I said as we started walking towards the car.

"I did...He caught me..." She looked at the ground.

'This Mother fucker deserves to die.' Fang growled






The ride home was strange. We didnt talk. At All. Zero, Zip, Notta. Nooo talking. The radio wasnt even on! Like Oh my gawd. I couldnt believe he was a werewolf. they were only in movies! And Books! Like WTF! 

I was soo ready to jump out of the truck when Jason dropped me off. As soon as he parked the car I was unbuckling and opening the door when he grabbed my arm.

"What?" I asked.

"Let me see your phone."

"What? Why?"

"Just give me the phone" He said. I got my phone out of my bag and handed it to him. He looked at it then slid the phone up and typed something and handed the back to me.

"What'd you do?" I asked

"I put my number in you phone. Call me if either of them do anything to you. Got it?" He asked. I nodded. "Good" he said.

"Thanks." I said and got out of the truck, closed the door and walked into the house






So hi I updated sorry if it sucks but Ive been busy and I couldnt think of anything and im really stressed out and Yea. Sorry I took so long but thanks to one of the only people that comment on this book I got it done.

Thank u mariadkk for commenting on all the chapters xD U are awesome. And anyone else reading this, thank u. U should also read mariadkk's books to. I love them.

Kk sooo ill try to update soooooonnn hopefully but im also writing 3 other books and yea. So Ttfn (Ta ta for now) *I got that from Tigger off of Winnie the pooh.... I think i spelled his name wrong. Fuck it what ever u get what im talking about xD *

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