Chapter 26

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-This one is going to be short-


I sat with Tiffany on Mine and Jason's bed. We were watching Spongebob, cuddled up next too each other. She was so cute and so small. Like Ermegerd I couldn't wait too have my own. 

"Lexis?" She asked, looking up at me. I looked at her


"Are you happy?" She smiled. I smiled back and nodded

"Yeah I'm happy" 

"Good." She smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder. I smiled and continued watching the show. At the moment Sponge Bob was in the process of trying too find another Job because he thought Mr Crabs was going to fire him but he wasn't. I didn't really like this one. It was gross.

"Hey Tiff?" Someone called through the door. It sounded like Liz.

"WHAT" Tiffany yelled glaring at the door. The door opened, Liz was standing there with a confused face.

"No need too yell at me I was just gonna tell you I made food if you wanna come down here and eat it." She said

"BUT I'm with Lexis and I'm posed to keep her happy" She pouted. I smiled.

"It would make me happy if you ate food." I said. She looked at me.

"But what about Sponge bob."

"I can pause it"

"Okay....." she said. She slowly got up off the bed and walked down the stairs. I paused Sponge bob and put the remote down Liz smiled at her then walked into the room and sat on the bed. 

"Hi" She said. I smiled

"Hi" I replied

"You don't have too put on a fake smile. I know you miss him." She said randomly. I stared at her then looked at the bed. I didn't know what too say. I knew I was hiding the fact that I missed him,, I didn't want the others to know about it.

"How could you tell?" I asked. She laughed

"Everyone can. Well everyone besides Tiffany " She said."Hey, can I ask you something.. kinda personal?"

"Yeah. I guess"  I said.

"What happened too you before Jason helped you. I know something did, people around the pack are talking about it but their not saying what." She asked. I looked up at her and bit my lip. I looked back at the ground and said nothing.  

"Family issues" I said

"What kind of family issues?" She asked. I bit my lip.

"My mom and best friend died a year ago.  My stepdad and stepbrother aren't exactly the loving family."

"Whats that mean?" She asked. She looked confused. I mentally cussed myself out then turned around and pulled the back of my shirt up. I heard her gasp then pulled the shirt back down and turned back around. 

"Why would they do that?!"

"I talked back too my stepbrother. And then I kinda attacked him at the school..." I mumbled. I started messing with the blanket on the bed. She moved closer too me.

"You know no one here will hurt you right? We wont let anyone hurt you. It's not just Jason that will protect you, all of us will. "

"I know..." I said. She looked at the ground.

"Well if you need anything Me, me and Cala are downstairs with Gracie and Luke and Barron. So Just call us. And I'm sure Tiffany will be up here soon. She likes you a lot" Liz smiled and got up and walked too the door. After she left I continued looking at the bed.

I wanted Jason back. I didn't know what too do without him. I didn't feel safe. I mean, I know I had the pack and everything but it didn't feel right. I felt like my step dad would come running in and take me while I slept without anyone knowing. I didn't understand. It felt like I was being watched at times too. Like a few hours ago I was in the woods with  Tiffany and it felt like someone was watching us the entire time.  I didn't tell anyone though, Why get  bunch of people involved when It was probably nothing?


Author's note

Hey there people! I updated. I said this was going to be short, sorry about that.  Imma do a time jump in the next chapter, Just sayin. And by the way,  I never mentioned what the date was in this book, so I always thought it was april, so yea its april. Okay byeee

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