Chapter 16

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"Table for two?" asked the waiter looking at me and Jason. The place was very nice. the walls were made of dark wood and the booths the same but they had windows with deer on it so you could see the other booth I guess. Hanging above the booths were these pretty little chandlers that only lit up the booth it was hanging above so it wasn't that bright. I looked at Jason, who was looking around with a concerned face.

"Uhm, yeah" I said. The waiter smiled and grabbed the menus

"Follow me" She said. I nudged Jason and looked up at him. He blinked and looked down at me.

"What?" He asked.

"Follow" I said then followed the lady into one of the booths. Jason sat across from me still looking around the restaurant with a concerned face. The lady handed us our menus.

"Can I start you guys off with a drink?" She asked while pulling out a pen and notebook.

"sprite" I said and looked at Jason who still wasn't paying attention. I groaned and kicked him under the table. He blinked and looked at me.

"What?" He asked again

"What do you want to drink?"

"Oh! uhm... coke" He said and looked at the waiter. She smiled at him and wrote something down. then walked off. And Jason was back to looking around the restaurant. I looked at him.

"are you okay?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"your not acting right. or like you usually do"

"why do you say that?"

"your not talking. That waitress was talking to you and you just kinda weren't paying attention and looking around like something was wrong.." I said softly. He reached over the table and grabbed my hand and smiled.

"everything is fine, Dont worry." He replied.

"okay." I said.


You lied to her Fang said.

Shut up. She doesn't need to know. It's probably Nothing anyway. I replied.

Having the feeling that someone in here is going to hurt her isn't Nothing

It's nothing. I won't let anyone hurt her. I looked at the table. Someone here didn't have a good feeling about them. Someone seemed like they were watching us. As soon as we walked in I felt like something was gonna go wrong. But I couldn't find the person who was looking at us. It was like the person was invisible or something. I didn't like this.

I wanted to go home but then she would really get suspicious and I don't need that at the moment.

I looked around again. No one was looking at us. But it felt like so many people were.

I didn't like this at all.


"Are you ready to go now?" Lexi asked. I looked up from my plate and nodded

"Yeah" I said.

"Are you sure your Okay?"

"Just tired"

"Well let's go home and sleep then " she smiled and got up. I smiled and put the money on the table, along with a tip then grabbed her hand and walked out.

As soon as we were out I felt a little better. Not a lot. Still felt people watching. But it wasn't as bad. I couldn't Wait to get home and sleep.

Authors Note
Hi so I updated. I'll updated soon. Okie byeee


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