Chapter 27

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-Two months later-


It had been the longest Two months of my life. Jason still wasn't back, and I didn't know when he was coming back. When ever we talked on the phone he said he didn't know when he would be back and it annoyed me a lot.

We only had Two weeks left of school. During School, Luke and Barron would follow me around too make sure that Jake didn't try anything. I was happy for that. Everyday Jake would glare at me.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I was really excited, But I wished Jason could be there even though I knew it wasn't possible. Tiffany seemed to be more excited about my birthday then me though.. I didn't understand why but what ever

A couple days ago, Tiffany's mom offered me money because ever since Tiffany met me she wouldn't leave my side so her said I was basically babysitting. I didn't mind it though. When I was with Tiffany I stopped thinking about Jason or Jake or my stepdad. All I thought about was her and making sure she was happy, and when ever she smiled it would make me smile. I couldn't help but make her happy.

I was sitting on the couch with Tiffany. Liz and Cala were at the table, I didn't know where Baron was, and Luke and Gracie were going to get us pizza. At this point, I didn't know what we were watching, I had blacked out and it looked like a movie I haven't seen or heard of. I looked at Liz and Cala.

"where is Baron?" I asked

"Bathroom." Cala said. I sighed and stood up

"Where you goin?" Tiffany asked, looking at me.

"Ill be right back I just need to go to the bathroom." I said

"But Baron is in there."

"I'm going in the one in mine and Jason's room." I said then walked up the stairs and into mine and Jason's room and into the bathroom. I didn't need to go to the bathroom. I just stood there in the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. It was Saturday, which meant that my birthday was on a Sunday and Liz and Gracie were planning on throwing me a party even though I said I didn't need one. They insisted anyway. I wasn't exactly looking forward too it but what ever, that didn't matter I guess. I sighed and went back down the stairs and sat with Tiffany, who looked at me and smiled. Her eyes shinned bright

"Are you ready for your birthday party tomorrow?" she asked. I shrugged

"I guess.."

~~~~~~~~~(Next day)

I woke up with Tiffany sitting on my waist smiling at me. I looked at her and smiled. She giggled and got off me

"Come onnnnnnnn It's already noon." She pouted. I looked confused.

"Noon? I never sleep in that long. Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked. I sat up and looked around

"Liz and Cala said to let you sleep." She said. "Your party is in 30 minutes Go get readddyyy" She smiled. I sighed and got out of bed and walked over too the bathroom. I already had my clothes that I was gonna wear out, A black tshirt and black jeans. After I put on a little eyeliner I decided too curled my hair. Then I decided I was ready and walked down the stair and found Tiffany Luke Baron Gracie, Cala, and Liz and Tiffany's parents standing there waiting for me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" they all shouted. I smiled and finished walking down the stairs. And Let the busy day begin


It had been an hour since the party and even though I had fun and was with everyone, i was still thinking about Jason. I wanted him here. I wanted too be wrapped up tight in his arms while he kissed my forehead and held me close.

I looked at the ground while eating my cake. I didn't mean too seem unhappy. Baron had disappeared about a half and hour ago. He said he had to go check the perimeter and make sure nothing went past it the he got up and walked away. After that the party kinda quieted down.

"Hey. You forgot one present" Jessica say. I looked up at her. She smiled and got up.

"What do you mean I forgot a present" I asked, watching her walk around the table and grab my hand. Matt grabbed his phone out of his pocket and looked at it.

"Just come with me." She said as she pulled me too the door. Then Baron opened the door and smiled

"Good she's coming. Okay this way" Baron grabbed my hand and pulled me outside with everyone following.

"What's going on?'" I asked looking around at everyone. Gracie giggled. Tiffany just looked at me. I was really confused. Baron led me out too the woods where there was a tall wrapped up gift. when I say tall, I mean tall. It was taller then me. And wider. I was really confused on what it was. The wrapping was green and there was a big purple bow on it.

"This one is from Jason....he said that since he couldn't be at your birthday party he wanted to get you something special..." Baron said. I frowned.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I don't know, you'll have too find out." Baron said. I smiled and moved closer too the box and unwrapped it. Once I was done unwrapping it I stood in front of it. Instead of opening it on the top, like normal Box's would open, it opened from the side. I sighed and grabbed one of the flaps then kept it closed and slowly opened. I bit my lip, waiting too see what was in there, Randi was freaking out, It was like she knew what it was but wasnt telling me and it was really annoying.

I gasped as I opened it and saw what was in there. Standing in the box, was Jason with a black bow on his head, holding a small box with a very small bow on it. I put my hands over my mouth and stared at him

"Happy birthday Lexi" He smiled. I laughed/cried and jumped onto him, wrapping his arms around me and making sure we both fell, tipping the box over. I couldnt believe that he was here. I knew it was only two months but my mind couldnt stand that two months.

All the others started cheering and laughing. Jason wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

"I missed you" I cried. I heard him laugh as he held me tighter

"I missed you more" He said. I shook my head no. He smiled and sat up. I pushed myself away and looked at him. then at the box. "What's that?"

"Find out" He held it out too me. I took it and opened the black velvet box and saw the most beautiful piece jewelry ever. Inside was a necklace with a infinity symbol on it. "I did that because the infinity symbol mean never ending. Just like our love"

"Oh my god I love it" I smiled at him. I looked at him and hugged him again "I love you"

"I love you too"


Authors note

I couldnt stand not having Jason there so I just decided to bring him back ;) I love this chapterrrrr. I was inspred by the 'Coming home' videos where the military person comes home and surprises the person they love to make this chapter. I love those videos a lot.... But yea ok Ill update soon k bye

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