Chapter 24

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"Do I have too go meet the pack now?" Lexi whined. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"They do want too meet you as soon as possible.  And they are already in our little meeting place to see you"  She groaned and leaned on me

"I hate meeting people.." She said softly

"You were ok with meeting me." I pointed out. She groaned again.

"You were different,  I knew about you, and you kinda started talking to me first." 

"Ya know what, it still counts"

"Not really." She said. She pulled away and looked in the bathroom mirror. "I look like crap" 

"No you don't" I hugged her from behind. She was wearing a white long sleeve t-shirt and black ripped skinny jeans.  Her hair was curled slightly and Gracie let her borrow some eyeliner too put on. God she was beautiful. I really want too mark her and call her mine but I cant. She's not ready... 

"Stop lying. I look like shit." She looked at me. I hugged her.

"Your beautiful" I kissed her head again. I felt her smile on my neck. She pulled away and looked at me. 

"OK, well can we go now? I wanna get this over with so we can continue watching American Horror Story..." She said. I smiled and grabbed her hand and walked out of the room


As we walked too the meeting area, Lexi had fallen silent. She  looked at the ground and walked.

"What's wrong" I asked. She looked at me.

"Nothing." she said

"It's not nothing what is it." I said. She looked at the ground

"What if they don't like me..." She said softly.  

"Why wouldn't they like you" I asked. She shrugged. 

"The same reason no one else does...." 

"I don't hate you" I said. She looked up at me.

"Your different!"


"You got too know me before you judged me."

"Lexi they wont Judge you." I said, I grabbed both her hands and looked her in the eye "I promise"

"How do you know?" She bit her lip.

"I know my pack. They wont do that. They'll love you."

"OK...." She said. I hugged her and grabbed her hand, walking into the entrance too our meeting spot. She slowed down a little bit as she looked at everyone.I saw her smile as she saw Luke, Gracie and Baron.  It took a minute for them to realize that we were standing there. I grabbed her hand tighter and walked up too the front. Lexi was moving closer and closer too me. I wanted them to stop looking, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. Once we got upfront people were already starting to ask questions.  She looked at me with a overwhelmed face.

"HEY, Do what we did yesterday, mkay thanks" I said. They all quieted down and raised their hand.  Lexi looked at me again then back at the pack and pointed to someone.

"Your Jason's mate right?" The person asked. I thought it was Alex..or maybe his twin Zach... 

"Uhm... I guess so" She said softly.

"Obviously she is because as soon as she passed out you guys came running, you guys wouldn't have felt it if she wasn't my mate." I stated. Either Alex or Zach nodded and looked down.  Lexi pointed at someone else. Jim. Lovely

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