Chapter 19

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What happened at the school freaked me out and the rest of the day I swear Jason was watching the halls and all the faces just as much as I was. I didn't want Jason to fight Jake or his friend. I didn't want Jason to get hurt... I don't know what I would do if I lost Jason. My real dad might as well be dead to me, I havent seen him since I was 11. I couldn't go live with my step dad, he'd probably lock me up in the basement my entire life.

Figuring out where I would need to live was not the only reason on why I cant lose Jason. I'm starting to get really close to him. I mean he knows everything about me. But like, when he's not with me, not only am I worrying about Jake, but I'm sad because he's not here to make me laugh and hold my hand and hug me randomly and whisper 'I love you' in my ear. Or pull me closer when guys get too close. Or when he smiles at something that I said. Or the way his eyes sparkle when I laugh. I love his laugh. I love it when at night and we sleeping he'll pull me closer and cover us up and stays up until I fall asleep, and sometimes when I have a nightmare and he wakes me up, he'll rub my back until I fall asleep. And he's not like the other guys I dated before my mom and Kate died. All they wanted was sex. They were always trying to get in my pants and touch me places and he has only done that once and that wasn't even him it was his wolf, but after what happened he hasn't done that.

"You all right?" Jason's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I looked away from my paper and looked at him.

"Yeah, Fine." I forced a smile hoping it looked like my normal smile and not a fake one. He frowned.

"After school wanna watch a movie?" he asked

"What movie?" I looked up at the board and wrote down the notes, Jason did the same.

"Any movie you like. I have Netflix" I stopped writing, still staring at the board, my heart stopped

"Do you mean Netflix and chill...."

"What?" I saw him look at me out of the corner of my eye. "Netflix and.......OH No, I wont do that unless your ready. But No I mean Netflix and cuddle and then Netflix and sleep." I looked at him

"Okay then" I smiled. He smiled back.

I looked at the time, It was 2:15(pm) I was so glad this was the last hour of the day and that it was almost over. I needed to get out of this hell hole. I was ready to just go home eat junk food and pass out. Even if it wasn't next to Jason, as long as he was next to me by the time I woke up I don't care.


The bell rang and I practically flew out of that class and too my locker, with Jason following. After I got all my stuff and Jason got all his stuff we walked over too his truck and got in. Right away Jason turned on the radio. I smiled as I got buckled and looked out the window.

"What are we gonna do when we get home?" I asked while looking out the window.

"Well do you have homework?"

"No, I did it all before 4th block ended. Do you?" I looked at him.

"No, I did it at lunch remember?" He smiled at me then went back to looking at the road

"Oh yeah, You got mad at Baron cause he was gonna spill his food on your papers"

"yeah, he's a dick"

"Well I mean, you are what you eat" I giggled. He looked at me with a surprised face

"Oh My God I cant believe you said that" He laughed "Your so nice and sweet and no one would expect that from you."

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