chapter 8

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"I miss them" Alexis cried into my chest as I picked her up

"I know." I said.

"Im pissed at you."

"What? Why?"

"For letting that slut get all over MY mate" she hugged me tighter. I laughed

"Thats a pretty good reason."


"Im sorry about that.." I mumbled. She replied by laying her head on my chest.

' So uhm ik you just saved her life but I kinda want to get home....' Luke said

'Shut the fuck up!' Fang growled.

'Damn. Calm down.' I replied to fang

"Jason?" Lexi asked


"Thank you...."

"For what?

"stopping me from jumping off the cliff..." I hugged her tighter.

"I would die if you did that. "







I couldnt believe I was about to jump off the cliff... what the heck was I thinking?! I thought about one of those stupid posts that are put on the internet cuz their funny. 'I just tryed to commit suicide. Dont do it guys, I almost died' Damn...if I jumped I wouldnt be in Jason's strong, protective arms. But then again I wouldnt have Jake or my step father to deal with either...

I was now sitting in the passanger seat of Jasons truck. Luke was behind us in his Black Chevy Mallibue*ik i spelled tht wrong*.   I was staring out the window. Again Jason didnt have the radio. God man dont you know not having the radio on makes the girl uncofertable.

"Im not trying to make you uncomfertable" Jason said, turning on the radio.

"How did you-"




"Im not sure if I like the fact that he can read my mind...." I mummbled. Jason looked at me.

"Well sence we are mates its kinda not my fault. He has his own mind." He shrugged. "Thats why my eyes turned black yesterday, he was upset."


"Cause we dont like it when you get hurt"

"oh.." I mumbled, looking at my lap. He laughed

"You say 'oh' alot." He smiled.

"Whats wrong with saying oh?" I frowned

"Nothing! I think its cute"  I blushed. He smiled and grabbed my hand, sending sparks through my body. I giggled.

This was a much better life then being with my stepfather


"Are you mad at me?" I asked quietly. Jason wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer.

"Why would I be." He asked

"Cause I tryed to jump off a cliff....." I whispered.

"No. I just wish you would have let me explain before you ran off. Or maybe just Not done that. Im just glad your ok."  He hugged me tighter. I rested my head on his shoulder and pulled the covers closer.

"Im sorry"

"Its ok." he replied. I closed my eyes and curled up to him. Within a few minutes, I was off to dreamland.








Authors note

Hi there! is this the fastest ive updated one book? Idk im confused.  Im always confused. IM FREAKIN HAPPY! I GOT ASKED TO A DANCE ON THE 14TH AND MY MOM GOT ME A AMAZING DRESS ON EBAY THAT I SHOULD GET ON THURSDAY AND OMG IM FUCKING HAPPY.

Ok I had to get that out of my sistum. Im good now. So anyway YAY hi :p Im hyper. I had a huge thing of monster and yea im happy hehehehehehe

Ok ill update soon hopefully byeeeeeeeeee


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