Chapter 25

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"What do you mean your leaving?" I asked softly. He grabbed my hand and held on tight.

"There is this thing that every alpha has too do. Its in Florida so that's a day trip then I need to stay down there for a little bit and then its gonna take a day too come back. " He said.

"How long do you have to stay down there?" I asked. He looked at the ground then back at me

"I don't know how long, the time varies, sometimes its only for a day and other times its for a few weeks" He bit his lip. I could feel my eyes watering up

"When are you leaving..."


"Why didn't you tell me?"  

"I didn't know how!"He said. I looked at the ground.  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap. 

"I don't want you too go..." I whispered

"I don't want too either but I don't have a choice" He said softly. "But Gracie and Luke and will be here to protect you."

"Its not that that I'm worried about. I could careless about what happens too me." I hugged him tighter.

"Dont worry about me. I'll Always come back for you." He said. I looked at him. He kissed me. I gladly kissed back, moving closer. He wrapped one arm around my waist and moved me so I was straddling his waist. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as his one hand slid up my shirt. He bit my lip softly, causing a small moan to escape my lip. I felt him smile against my mouth and kiss me more. 

Then, before I knew what was going on, I was on my back with Jason on top of me. He left a trail of kisses from my mouth, down my neck and too my chest, making another soft moan escape. Gawd this man is amazing. He looked up at me and bit his lip.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked. I shook my head no. He smiled and moved up and kissed me again.  Randi was already freaking out. Then he started kissing my neck, where he bit me before. It had already healed. I felt his K-9 teeth get sharper and longer as he slowly bit down. I gasped softly and held on to him tighter. I felt him smile against my neck then he slowly licked the new wound he had just created as he slowly started to pull down my pants. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back

"Your mine" he whispered


When I woke up, I was still naked, curled up next to Jason. I was happy he didn't leave yet.   I smiled and closed my eyes, moving closer too him. What happened last night was amazing and I didn't know how to explain it. That was the best feeling I have ever felt in a long time. 

He wrapped his arm around me tighter. I smiled and moved closer. I loved the feeling of skin against mine. He was like a body heater and mine was like a ice cube. I opened my eyes again. I couldn't fall back asleep.  I sighed and rolled over  slightly to get out of the bed. I got up and walked over too the dresser to grab some clean clothes and a towel then walked over too the shower and started the hot water. Once the water was hot enough I got in and let the hot water run down my body. After I soaked my hair I put the shampoo in then looked at the ground.

I didn't want Jason too leave...I didn't want him to leave me here, I don't care about my stepfather and step brother. I wasn't worried about them finding me, They could go ahead and find me for all that I care, Kill me go ahead. I just don't want him to leave. And I don't know what he's doing down there so he could get hurt and I would be dead with out him. 

I sighed and rinsed out the rest of my shampoo the did the rest of the stuff and tried my best too get out of the shower fast. After I dried off and got dressed I walked out of the bathroom. Jason was still sleeping. I didn't want to walk down the stairs so I crawled into the bed with him. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Why are up so early?" He asked grabbing my waist and pulling me closer.

"I took a shower" I said then looked at him. He grunted and rested his head on my chest holding me tighter.

"I love you Lexi."

"I love you too Jason"

~~~~~~~~ 2 hours later

"Why do you have to leave" I asked

"Its a alpha meeting. Thats kinda what its like." He said as he packed his clothes. 

"Then Why cant I come?" I asked "I'm the female alpha right?"

"Yes but your called a Luna. It's not a Luna meeting its a alpha meeting. Plus your still new and don't understand the stuff that goes on quiet yet, Ill be able to take you too some in a few years. " Jason said. He walked over to me and hugged me. "Come on, walk me too the door?" 

"Ok..." I said. Jason grabbed my hand and pulled me up and kissed me. I kissed him back. He pulled away.

"You marked me last night" He smiled

"I know." I smiled and kissed his neck where I marked him. He gasped and pulled away smiling at me. Then he grabbed my hand as we walked down the stairs

When we walked down the stairs, Tiffany was sitting on the couch with Liz and Cala. Gracie and Luke were at the table and I don't know where Baron was.  Gracie smiled at me and waved.

"Lexis!" Tiffany jumped off the couch and ran over too me. I smiled and picked her up. She poked my nose and looked at Jason "You better be back soon. You made her sad" She glared at him. I laughed and he smiled

"I will, don't you worry about it. But hey Tiff, do you think you could keep her happy while? Till I get back?" Jason asked.

"OOOOOO Yassss" Tiffany giggled and clapped her hands together. Jason smiled then kissed me.

"Ill be back before you know it." He said

"Ok...." I said. He smiled slightly then walked out the door.

I love you. Jason said

I love you too I replied, as I looked out the window, watching him leave.~
Authors note.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo I updated yay! Imma work on the next part now, kay byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

<3 Andrea

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