|27| Hangover ain't all that pretty

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Chapter 27: Hangover ain't all that pretty



Taehyung was sure he smelled something odd.

The air- although murky, with the scent of the familiar detergent off the sheets, he could indeed smell something else.

It smelled familiar.

Was it toast?




That's toast too.

Taehyung grimaced, grunting as he squint his eyes open. His lips clearly tugged downwards, seemingly irritated.

Rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palms, he sat up- a little dazed and feeling a soft thrumming in his head that seemed to significantly expand with each second.

He looked around, confused.

How the-

How even in the world was he in his own home and not the dingy musty room he had been staying over for the past two nights in Daegu.

Groaning slightly with his hand pressed against the side of his head, he stood up, ripping off the sheets from his legs with the other. He went straight to the attached bathroom, but instantaneously paused on his feet when he heard some extremely loud 90s electric guitar music outside his bedroom.

Taehyung frowned.

What in the name of 7am in the goddamned-

His eyebrows upturned, lot more confused than he was earlier.

Turning to the door, he slowly creaked open the wooden barrier, only to find a familiar raventte moving his hips to the song as if he were grinding or something just as equally as traumatizing as that.

"Well I'm back in black
Yes I'm back in black"

The raventte began singing- no.. screeching. Yeah.. screeching along to the lyrics of the song.

Taehyung stunned, extremely bewildered as he watched his apparent-partner's wide expanse of his back as the male danced infront of the TV with the the remote in one of his hands and a spatula clasped in his other, completely lost in his own world.

"Back in the back of a Cadillac
Number one with a bullet I'm a power pack
Yes I am
In a bang with the gang
They've got to catch me if they want me to hang-"

Pursing his lips, Taehyung shut the door close closely, wishing he didn't have to witness it first thing in the morning with his head spinning as a free bonus.

What the hell is he doing here?!

Taehyung grimaced, staggering a bit on his way to the bathroom as few memories from the night before returned to his mind.

Yes... Jungkook had come along.

The cemetery- he was there at the cemetery.

Areum was there too.

Jungkook... Jungkook witnessed their conversation...

Taehyung looked up, a nasty feeling then crawling up his spine, recalling they ended up at the local restaurant and ordered drinks.

And then...

He couldn't recall any of it.


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