|7| Don't like you

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Chapter 7: Dont like you



It was cologne.

Amidst the haziness of being unable to recollect or comprehend- it was the odd, nauseating stench of some expensive strong cologne that stirred Taehyung's conscious. The throbbing ache in his body, was second to greet him.

But when he felt a hand wrap around his own, his nerves jolted awake- his eyes shooting open as he abruptly sat upright with his teeth in a grit and his free arm holding the other mid-air with a very careful calculated strike of precision.

"Whoa.. slow down there tiger" the raven haired male chuckled, his pearly whites all in display for Taehyung.

Taehyung exhaled, still- pretty much startled, but it had already begun to recede. Taehyung lift his arm up, wincing a bit, his throat feeling a little hoarse.

"How are you feeling Detective Kim?" Jungkook asked, blinking at him.

"Fine..." Taehyung replied, exasperated as he groaned from the pain on his sides.

"Hmm.. I can see that" Jungkook added, his tone a little cocky- but Taehyung was too tired to address it.

"What are you doing Jungkook? And what the- did you undress me?!" Taehyung mumbled, slightly annoyed as he finally began taking in his half naked self and the surrounding. His shirt was no where in sight (his pants were there oh alright- no need to get nasty with the imagination) as he sat there- all in his naked chest glory, making him feel slightly conscious of his body.

Now dont get Taehyung wrong, there wasn't a 'perfect' body type. Everyone's bodies were unique and deserved love- but when you're in an unknown room, on a stranger's bed, with a barely-knowing man slash partner slash subtle or a definite Crackhead, who called himself the Devil with his hands on the side of your chest...... let's just say, there are possibilities of things going awkward from there. Not to mention- you are solely there at the moment because your partner's friend apparently tried to strangle you to death.

Sure, awkward as it was- Taehyung went through it, his Honey- toned chest all in wide display with his tummy rolled, forming a small pudge.

"Ah- about that... I'm tending your bruise Detective Kim. You seemed to be in a lot of pain, so yes, I did undress you-" Jungkook replied as he dipped the damp cloth in a bowl filled with cold water.

Taehyung groaned as he peeped down at the patch of ugly discoloration on his skin, at the side of his ribs.

"What the f-" Taehyung cursed, wincing a little as Jungkook presse the damp cloth on his bruised skin.

"Sorry about that Detective Kim... Jimin's punches and kicks sure can hurt" Jungkook chuckled lightly, licking his lips.

"Who is Jimin? And why did he attack you? Plus- ffuck! What the hell- lemme do it, dammit!" Taehyung hissed from the pain, grabbing the damp cloth from Jungkook's hands.

"Ah Detective Kim that's-"

Taehyung yelped, squinting his eyes shut from the jolt of pain shooting up, as he pressed the cloth against his skin. "Shush- fuck!"

"Let me do it Detective Kim... you're gonna hurt yourself like this." Jungkook clicked his tongue as he gently replaced Taehyung's fingers with his own, and made the grumbling male lay down on his back against the mattress.

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