|69| Only the Fool loves

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Chapter 69: Only the Fool loves.


Hiiiii! I'm done with my exams hahah and I aced all of them so I'm back<3

Content Warning: Read with Caution. This chapter contains the following themes:
-mentions of abuse
-mentions of gore
-mentions of torture
-the Devil being a creep (I'm sorry but this is a permanent tag for the rest of the chapters)


"What should have I done then?! Tell me Heewon-ah! What do you think I should have done?!"

A muffled yell.

"Just... just talk to him please—"

Taehyung flinches at the pleading whisper.

"And tell him what?! Tell him he was wrong?! Tell him he is sick?! Tell him that I should take him to the church?! That the entire world is spitting at him and our family?! That we are all labelled sinners?!"


Taehyung closes his eyes. His face is wet.


So noisy...

Taehyung stirs.

"I should have... I should have held my hands back... but I just... couldnt bare watch that woman put her filthy hands on him.... "

Taehyung looks up in disbelief at the muddied figures forged out of his distant memory.

"I didn't want to.... I never wanted to hit him... Heewon-ah.... what have I done?"

This... this is not right.

"I don't know.. how to help him... what to tell him... I don't know... Heewon-ah... I don't know how to console him— I... I feel like I'm failing as his father–"

This is not right.

Not right.

Not right!

Taehyung jolts awake, drenched in cold sweat.

"Ah—" Leira, the handmaiden squeaks quickly leaning away.

Taehyung shoots a sharp glance and the Demon lowers her gaze, her fingers twiddling nervously.

"This one apologizes...— it's just you–" she pauses "seemed to be in pain in sleep... this one was jus—"

Taehyung sighs and sits up, leaning against the headboard.

"Its alright. I believe you."

The girl looks up, her ceramic face, although expressionless seemed to be shocked. She straightens her posture, shallowly gulping.

"Did I speak of anything?" Taehyung asks, sighing into his hand feeling a headache approaching.

"Just bits..." the Demon girl pauses, "of a fa—"

"That's enough." Taehyung cuts in.

Bygones were bygones.

An illusion of his mind in a desperate search of solace couldn't ever be real.

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