2.8 Only Time Will Tell

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"So let me get this straight. You walked out?" My best friend asks as I pace up and down my office.

"Yes I did."

"And never spoke to any of them again?"


"But you see your mum all the time."

"She wasn't there, besides she talks to none of them."

"Why did you do that? Your dad had every right to be angry and so did Luke." She says, I glare harshly at her.

"Don't look at me like that Emmi James, or should I say Zoe Page considering you thought changing your name would be a good idea, they did have every right to be angry." She begins, "You got pregnant and then blamed your dad for a whole load of shit and with Luke you basically played with his feelings!"

"What about my sister?" I ask her, I needed honesty.

"Sure, she was wrong for telling your dad but it seemed it just slipped out when you two were arguing."

"And Calum?"

"Okay Emmi, sorry Zoe, what you did was wrong. You apologised for being an inconvenience and then left taking his child with you."

"It's my child!"

"Yeah but it's his as well Emmi, Zoe!"

"I hate it when you're right." I hiss starting to pace up and down again.

"And Ashton, well you just told him to look after your sister so you did nothing wrong there I suppose."

"Okay so let's get this sorted. I pissed off 4 people." I say unsure, Prim looks at me and shakes her head.

"You pissed off 4 of the most important people in your life so, what are you going to do about it?"

"It's been 5 years Prim, I'm sure I'm just a distant memory by now."

"I don't think so Zoe." She says, I glare at her.

"It's Emmi." I snap just now realising the fact that she was calling me Zoe.

"Sorry, Emmi, I don't think your family and friends can just forget you like that." She says standing up.

"Why did I tell you all of this?"

"Because you are getting married and you need to vent. Does Alec know?"

"Of course Alec doesn't know. You're the only person I told!"

"Serious question Em, are you going to invite them to the wedding?" 

"Are you crazy?!" I shout.

"I was just asking! You're so unpredictable nowadays."

"For God sake Emmi, what are you going to do when the priest finds out you are actually called Zoe Page and not Emmanuelle James?"

"He's going to read out the name I go by, and that is Emmaneulle James."

"This is so confusing." She mutters rubbing her head.

"Why is it confusing?"

"Because your real name is Zoe Page, you have a kid called Hadley with a boy you met in college and you had a big massive argument with like 4 of the most important people in your life and left!"

"Yes, and?"

"And now you go by the name Emmanuelle James, you own one of the largest fashion business in the world, you are a  multi-millionaire even though you got a degree in Creative Writing, online may I add, and you are marrying one of the biggest business men in the world!"

"Ugh! My life is a mess." I mutter collapsing onto the chair, she shakes her head and rubs my back.

"It's not a mess, it's just... different."

I snort, "Different."

"You're going to have to tell Alec at some point."

"I know."

"And you're going to have to get back in contact with your sister, your dad, and your friends from school." She says.

"I don't have to do that last bit." I say jumping up and running towards my phone that was ringing, a text from Alec to say he couldn't pick up Hadley from school because he had a last minute meeting.

"Yes you do Emmi."

"Prim, I love you. A lot. But I don't need to get back in contact with them, they hate me and it's probably best that I don't try and contact them, they're better without me."

"And how do you know that?"


"Because what?"

"I just know Prim!"

"That's a pathetic excuse Emmanuelle James and you know it is." 

"Prim, you don't understand." I sigh.

"Yeah I know I don't, just think about it okay?"

"I will."

"Good, now let's go get lunch and talk about this seasons line." She says grabbing her empty coffee cup and throwing it in the bin.

"After coffee we have to pick up Hadley from school."

"Isn't Alec doing it? It's his day." She says as I grab my bag.

"He has a meeting."

"Oh right, well let's hurry then." She smiles linking our arms together.

"Thanks for understanding, some of it." I smirk, she elbows me lightly and shakes her head.

"Thank you for explaining, briefly." She challenges. I laugh loudly and shake my head as we get into the car and drive to our favourite restaurant.

"Do you think you'll see any of them again?" Prim asks randomly.

"I don't know."

"I think you will." She says.

"Only time will tell." I smile.

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