1.6 Confused

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Alana's Point of View

"Aurora I'm tired can we go back?" I ask rubbing my eyes and taking some of my mascara off with it.

Aurora gets her phone out and checks the time, "Sure lets go."

"I have to finish a big design by tomorrow." I tell her as we walk back.

"Tomorrow's Saturday, why does it need to be done by tomorrow?"

I bite my lip and smirk, "Ashton and I are going on a camping trip."

"Sorry what?" She asks looking at me with a big smile.

"He asked me before I got the work and I said yes."

"Is it a date?"

"I hope so, I mean we've been sort of dating for the past couple of days."

"Since the wall thing last week?" I ask.


"Aww Alana, does Zoe know?" Aurora asks, I bite my lip and look at her.

"No, no one knows but you, Ashton and I."

"You need to tell her soon otherwise she'll be pissed."

"Nah I'll just tell her when we have one of our truth arguments."

"Truth arguments?" Aurora asks confused.

"Yeah when we feel one of us isn't be completely honest then we ask and it turns into an argument where we just shout at each other what we've been hiding." I answer, she looks at me before laughing loudly.

"That's adorable." She coos.

"Thanks?" I laugh as we walk upstairs to our apartment.

Aurora opens the door and runs in to sit on the couch and watch TV,

"Where's Zoe?" I ask her, Aurora shrugs her shoulders and flips through the channels.

"Maybe she went out."

"With who?"

"Luke?" Aurora says looking at me.

"Maybe, I should do this work. I'll call her later." I say grabbing my folder and sitting down on the couch next to Aurora.

"Okay." She smiles.

There's something she knows that I don't.

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