26. Numb Numb Juice.

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I've been feeling numb.

Like as if I took too many pills,

And slipped into a great abyss.

I've been doing drugs.

The hard kind the doctors tell you to miss.

The type that pushes euphoria,

Down your throat.

It's just so I can feel.

Just so I know that,

I have a range of emotions,

That maybe unclear but real.

Been pushing my mind further than,

It can actually handle.

Just running out of time.

Til' I feel too numb,

Then I'm gone again.

Running in an open field,

That opens to a whirlpool,

A black hole of nothingness.

I've been feeling nothing til,

My heart pumps less fluid,

And creates more room for emptiness,

That I no longer want to feel.

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