65. Alter Ego.

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See the other day, I started getting lost in this abyss of this mind of mine. And see I found hidden inna secret compartment, a secret corner, a chamber, deep in my subconscious, an alter who lost her way.

On her knees, she was crying. The tears broke freely like a dam overflowing with pain.

I thought to myself, "Did I know her?"Have I met her before? Do I help her? Is she me? Is she the host of this body? This sad body."

Or was she the protector. The holder of all the secrets, the trauma, the pain, the heartaches, the episodes. The aloneness I feel and hopelessness. The feeling of not being wanted, or needed or worthy of anything... Or any one. Or the feeling of not being, held here to this earth.

Maybe she held it in so I could be without. Maybe she wasn't lost. She was hiding so I could breathe.

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