38. Muse less.

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I lost track of my muse,

My inspiration,

Who I am,

My health,

My mind,

My body,

My soul...

I've been stuck in my head,

And I haven't told a soul.

I'm untethered.

I'm floating through an abyss.

I'm craving things I know I will never have,

Putting my life on pause,

Knowing that I can't pause my health.

And now I feel as if I'm declining.

My progression has halted.

And not one person has noticed,

That I'm drifting away fast.

I'm fucked.

I'm stuck.

I'm nothing.

I'm too much.

There is nothing in this world for me.

I lost my muse.

My muse was me...

but now that's gone.

No more me.

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