𝟯𝟭 | 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆'𝗱 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁

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"Moving in together, huh?" Aaron asked as soon as she opened the door for him.

Amari nodded. "Yup."

He walked inside and saw all the boxes piled up in the different corners of the room.

"My little girl is growing up." Aaron sniffled dramatically and wiped away a fake tear from his eye.

Amari laughed, "You're hilarious."

"No really, I'm proud of you. You seem happy and now you're moving in with Derek and you love him and it's amazing." Aaron said happily and pulled her in for a hug.

Amari sighed as she hugged him back, his hugs always felt like they could melt all of her stress away. They separated from the hug and Aaron rolled his sleeves up.

"Right. Let's get these into the car and to your new home. I think Derek and the rest of the team are already there." Aaron picked up a box and his eyes went wide. "What are you bringing? Bars of gold?"

Amari laughed. Inside those boxes were all the books she had accumulated over the years. Aaron had only picked up one of four. "Something like that."

Once everything had been loaded inside Aaron and Amari's cars, they locked up her apartment and started the drive to the penthouse they could finally call home.

"There she is!" Spencer said excitedly and him and James came running over.

Amari hadn't realized how long they'd been dating until now. They've been together for longer than her and Derek have.

"Here I am." Amari smiled from behind the box she was carrying.

"Let me get that for you." James took the box from her and carried it over to where some of Derek's boxes were lying.

Amari thanked him and walked inside her home, instantly spotting her boyfriend and walking towards him.

"Hi my love." Derek smiled and pressed a short but sweet kiss on her lips.

"Hi. You excited?" Amari asked softly.

Derek gripped her waist with both his hands, tightly. "I am ecstatic. I can't think of a better person to do this with than you."

Amari blushed, "That's good, because I can't either. Although, maybe-"

"Hey!" Derek interjected and Amari started laughing, shaking her head as she did.

Emily and JJ watched from where they were 'watching over' a bottle of wine that they were drinking out of.

"I want that." JJ mused and looked to her side to meet Emily's eyes.

Emily's lips turned up in a quaint but ever present smile. "I'm sure something can be arranged."

JJ blushed and took a large sip of her wine to hid how red her cheeks had gone whilst Emily smirked and took a little sip of her wine.

Rossi, Penelope and Aaron were in deep conversation with Spencer and James, talking about anything from how Jack is to what kind of piano Rossi has at his mansion. It ended with a standing invitation to Rossi's house for dinner.

The rest of the day was spent unpacking. By the time night had fallen, Derek and Amari's house was 'finally inhabitable' as Spencer put it. The team had started to wind down and settled in the sitting room with either glasses of water or wine in their hands.

James and Spencer took on of the love seats. Rossi, Aaron and Penelope were on the three seater, Emily and JJ were sharing a one seater and Amari was curled up on Derek's lap on the bean bag.

"I would say that today was extremely successful." Derek spoke softly as he ran his fingers through Amari's hair.

Amari hummed in acknowledgement. "I'm just excited to live with you. Although, I do not care much for your snoring."

"I do not snore." Derek looked almost offended as he gasped.

"Yes you do." Amari giggled.

Derek frowned, "Do not."

She laughed, "You in denial."

"I am not in denial, I simply do not snore." Derek told her.

Amari nodded, "Uh huh. So if I were to record you sleeping, that would prove that you're not in denial?"

"You know what, I do not need this. I'm moving out." Derek huffed.

Amari laughed, "You snore baby." She cupped the side of his face with her one hand, the other held a wine glass. "Admit it."

Derek sighed, "Maybe on occasion."

"Ah hah! You admitted it!" Amari cheered, not realizing that by now, everyone was observing them.

"I will take back my admission if you-"

"No no no no, don't do that. It's good that you're out of denial." Amari teased him and Derek shook his head and kissed her tenderly.

"They are just the cutest, are they not?" James whispered and it seemed as if everyone heard him but Derek and Amari.

Emily exhaled softly, "Extremely."

"Their love is so pure and beautiful." Penelope smiled happily. "They're like soulmates."

"Not like soulmates, I believe they are soulmates. It's easy to make someone love you, but to make someone laugh is so much harder and they make each other laugh." JJ observed with a small smile.

Aaron smiled as he watched the couple, their gazes locked on each other as they teased one another, their eyes glazed with love. He watched as Amari spotted a mark on Derek's cheek that was most likely dirt and licked her finger and tried to rub it away. But Derek wasn't having it because he leaned back as far as he could, whining about how he didn't want her spit on his cheek. Amari whispered something to him as he immediately relaxed and she laughed before wiping the dirt off his cheek.

He watched as they swapped witty banter, all the while holding hands or Derek would be drawing nonsensical patterns on her would as she traced lines on his chest. They could've been talking about the most arbitrary thing in the world and yet it looked as if they were forever spilling all their secrets to one another.

Aaron knew it had started off as dislike, hatred even. But it grew into friendship, affection, and finally, love. As they say, there's a fine line between hatred and love. Derek and Amari seem to have crossed from one side to the other rather seamlessly.

Yes, Aaron concluded that they would be just fine as long as they had each other. By their side, with every step they take in life.

It was his turn to make his observation, and he knew exactly what to say as he shifted his eyes off the couple and onto the team (plus James).

"I suppose their love is one you'd write stories about."

The End

short and sweet-what every ending should be so as to not draw out the pain of another story that has come to a close.
i wanted to finish writing this purely so that i could go back and be comforted by the fact and i gave them an epic love story that didn't carry on forever.
i feel as if ending it here solidifies their commitment, but i leave you to determine their future :)
i hope you enjoyed it!
until the next book ;)
- J <3

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