νεομαι (NEOMAI)

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Neomai - to retourn

That peaceful sensation in the morning when you're not sleeping anymore but not even fully awake. That weird limbo when dreams seem to be more real but still out of your grasp. That moment when you can let yourself belive in anything, belive that your deepest dreams can come true.     

Jay would have loved to be forever stuck in that moment.          

His lips formed a little smile when moments from last night started rushing into his mind. Relaxed limbs and light heart, his thoughts still trying to focus. 

A light tickle on his back brought his mind back to reality, making him open his eyes.

And she was there, her golden hair a little messy, brough to life by that little light coming from the window.  She was laying down on her left hand with sleepy eyes and the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. Her other hand was lightly wandering on his back while she was whispering something to herself, her eyes never meeting his.

He let himself stare at her for a couple of minutes, fascinated by how focused her eyes were becoming. He was trying to understand how on earth she was able to be this beautiful even though they just woke up.

-What are you doing?-

-Shhhh- her eyes never leaving his back

-Don't distract me, I'm trying to do something here-

His smile got even bigger for how adorable she was -Well, care to explain to me too?-

-Ugh, there is no point now, you made me lose count-

He was getting more and more confused. – Count of....?-

For the first time her eyes finally met his -Your freckles- she declared as if it was the most obvious answer -You have so many, they look like a constellation, I wanted to count them but you made me lose count, now we'll never know-

A genuine and heartfelt laugh escaped his lips while he was staring at her eyes -A tragedy-

She scoffed and laid down on her back with her hands covering her face -Aren't you hungry? I'm starving-

He couldn't miss the opportunity to flirt with her, so he slowly pulled her under his still naked body and removed her hands from her face so that he could look at her in the eyes.

-I'm starving too-

He finally said winking. His lips gently pressed on her cheek, on her chin, on her neck, stopping on her chest. He pepper kissed all of her stomach until he made her laugh like crazy, her hands grabbed his head and pulled him back kissing him deeply. His hands gripping her hair a little harder and him starting to moan pulled her back to reality.

-Jay wait, I'm actually starving. You drained me out.-

Even if he would have preferred continuing kissing her, her comment made his chest grow with pride.

-Stay here I'll make something-

He managed to get up, not caring about being fully naked and walked to his dresser gaining a whistle from Hailey.

They spent the rest of their morning in peace, having breakfast in bed, talking again about the FBI job offer. Although Jay couldn't have been happier for her to stay, he wanted to make sure she wasn't giving up that amazing opportunity just for him. That made Hailey laugh cause she sure as hell wouldn't be passing that offer only for a man, even if it was him, and made sure to say that out loud to a fake offended Jay.

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