Χρυσοπός (KHRYSOPOS)

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with golden eyes or face, in general, gold-colored

⚠️ T or M rating (not smut but still)

It might just have been the most boring day at the unit. No new cases, no CIs' calls, no nothing. Even Voight wasn't in his office.
They just did their paperwork in silence, subtly glancing at each other whenever they were able to, hoping no one on the team noticed them.

Sometimes Jay would trow a paperclip at her to gain her attention, or walk by her desk stealing one of her pens, to mess with her or out of boredom. Hailey did everything not to smile, failing everytime. Because it was Jay. He always made her smile.

At some point, when she couldn't feel her legs anymore she decided to get up and grab a cup of coffee form the breakroom, Jay obviously following her.
She didn't even ask him, just poured coffee in both of their mugs and handed him his one.

-Wanna come over to watch the game? Will is coming too after his shift- he asked with nonchalance trying to look normal

-I'll bring the beers- she smiled making Jay's heart do a flip -And I'm only coming cause Will told me you got a puppy- she teased

-I didn't get it. Will found him abandoned and since he already has one asked me if I could take care of him. Told him I wasn't the best option since I work all the time but eventually gave up.- he turned to her flashing his grin -at least you'll have an excuse to come over whenever you want- he winked at her and got back to the desk leaving a shocked Hailey standing there.

Lately they have been VERY flirty and she was loving it. But at the same time she had to remind herself that it was only a game for him, a funny way to keep their friendship light, and not to get her hopes up.

After she dozed out for a few seconds she got to her desk too and got back to work.

They silently got everything done and when it was finally time for them to go home Jay approached her.
- Do you want a ride?-

- I came with my car. I'll go home and quickly take a shower and then I'll come- she told him putting her jacket on and grabbing her keys

-Okay then... see you later- with that he went to the parking lot.


Hot water was falling on her tense shoulders making her feel the stress leaving her body. Her mind playing games, thinking about exactly she was trying not to think about.

Her body reacting to her mind.
How many time had she dreamed about Jay? 

He would silently sneak into the shower wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer. Her body immediately relaxing to his touch,  her head resting on his chest.

His hands would wander around her waist, kissing her neck, pulling her impossibly closer making sure she felt how his body responded to hers. Hands slowly going up, stopping on her breasts, taking his time, Hailey's moan echoing in the bathroom. She would turn around to look at him, losing herself in those eyes that made her stomach twist of happiness. The infamous butterflies. He wouldn't be able to wait longer, kissing her senselessly. On hand behind her neck and the other one wandering lower, caressing her back and grabbing her ass. Her grip on his wet hair tightening while moans escaped his lips.

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