καιρός (KAIROS)

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right, critical, a proper or opportune time for action

First Part

They have been beating around the bush for ages now. She knew she was being a coward, because she wasn't willing to confess her feelings just like that, she didn't want to risk their friendship.

But at the same time she wanted to make a little step, just to see how he would react.

-You know, you could tell me you don't want me to take it. It's an option-

she stared at him with a hesitant smile

- I want you to do whatever you wanna do. I'm just practicing self preservation here -

His voice was trembling a little and his smile was starting to fade away.

He knew where this was going. He had been constantly thinking about Hailey's words since that night at the hospital. He knew it was coming but he still wasn't ready.

He was afraid of history repeating, afraid of getting hurt, afraid of losing her.

He already had a relationship with a partner in the past and that ended horribly, leaving him lonely and broken.

He just knew he couldn't do that again. Expecially because with Hailey he had even more to risk.

She was still looking at him, waiting for something. Anything.

There were thousands of different things he could have said. But obviously, that WAS NOT the right one.

- You know... maybe you should take the job. It would be amazing for your career and there is nothing holding you back here -

He tried to keep his smile, horribly failing.

His heart clenched and his stomach twisted at the sight of Haily's expression.

She was being smiley and flirty all night, with her big blue eyes full of joy.
He looked at her face completely change, her eyes losing that little shine.

She had a stone cold face.

The fact that her expression was exactly the one she had when they found Darius Walker's body, scared him.

The way she eliminated every emotion from her face was fascinating and horrifing for him.

The only thing giving away the way she felt were her watery eyes.

- Hailey I mean... - he started, but there wasn't anything he could say to make things better.

Not that she gave him the opportunity. She quickly got up, blinking fast fighting back her tears.

She got some bills from her wallet and threw them on the table

- Copy you -

Why did she think there was something? Was she crazy? She thought she could see it... the way he looked at her like no one ever did.

Maybe it was all in her head and she had been clinging to something that wasn't real.

She felt really stupid and just wanted to go home and just sleep for 12 hours straight to forget that fiasco.

But life was never fair.

She didn't get to sleep that much, not even three hours went by before receiving a text.

New case.

Of course she didn't even have time to think. Was she going to ignore Jay? Be mad? He actually didn't do anything wrong. Couldn't be blamed for not having feelings for her. At least he was honest.

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