σωτήρ (SOTÍR)

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Sotir: savior

She woke up to someone banging on her door. It was getting louder and louder and more insistent. It was 4 in the morning, who could it have been?
She quietly went to the door with the gun in her hands but as soon as she saw who was behind the door she relaxed.
But she quickly got worried when she saw his pale face. He was sweating and his wide open eyes were full of anxiety.

-Jay what's going on?- she asked letting him in.

-Are you okay?- his breathing heavy and his voice shaky. His eyes worriedly wandering around her body.

-Yes Jay I'm fine, what happened?-
It was the first time he showed up like this at her apartment. She knew something was wrong, and that made her even more anxious.
She led him to the couch, slowly sitting down, waiting for him to explain what was going on.

He sat right beside her, no longer able to look at her in the eyes.
-I... I had a nightmare- he shut his eyes close as if it hurt him even just to think about it. -From when you were kidnapped-
He was trying to steady his breath as he looked at her again.
-I saw Kim, telling me that you died in there. That Gains beat you until you couldn't take it anymore. I... I didn't believe her, I couldn't. But when I got to you... you were there, bloody and...- he couldn't even say the word. Tears were filling up his eyes.

Her heart hurt so much from seeing him in that state. She was with Adam at the time and didn't think it had affected Jay that much.

-I'm fine Jay, it was just a nightmare- her voice was firm, her eyes staring at him.

-I thought I lost you. It looked real, and it could have been, just because I was too stupid to be able to keep my eyes on you- he was shaking at this point, his eyes trying to avoid hers while guilt was eating him up.

That surprised her, he really had been thinking, all this time, that he was somehow the reason that case went down.

She gently put her hand on his cheek, it was probably the most physical they had ever been.
But her touch really brought him back to reality. His eyes full of pain landed on her again, while he leaned into her hand.
-Jay. That wasn't on you. It wasn't anyone's fault... our job is dangerous and sometimes bad things happen. But you can't carry that weight, because it was not your fault-
At her words he seemed to slowly relax.

-I told you once, that we can't right every wrong Jay, bad stuff happen-

-I just... I couldn't have lost you. I know I put you through that many times, getting into trouble and even lying to you but.... it's different for me because I- he stopped talking, horrified at how he was about to spill his feelings just like that.
He awkwardly looked at her, hoping she didn't guess where he was heading.

Her hand was slipping away from his cheek when he grabbed it and slowly kissed her palm. He shut his eyes again, thinking about how he should go home to get some sleep since seeing Hailey made him calm down a little.

Her cheeks were getting red because of his sweet gesture
-Jay you know... I will never leave you- she knew she couldn't promise not to get hurt, or die in service. But they both knew what she meant, she would never choose to leave him. As a friend or as a partner, and maybe someday, as something else.

-Me neither Hails- his nickname for her made her smile and feel her heart do a flip.
But that smile quickly disappeared at Jay's words

-I'm sorry for scaring you with that whole Angela thing-
It was still an open wound for her, that whole mess. That time she really thought Jay was gonna die, and that scare never really left her.

-It's all in the past- she lied, forcing a smile.

-I never stopped thinking about what you were going to tell me at the hospital that night- he tried to ask, with a hesitant smile and hopeful eyes

Her hand left his, as she abruptly got up from the couch. She wasn't ready to talk about that. -Jay- it was just a whisper, but her tone begged him to drop it.

He got up too, his hand going to her hair, playing with a blonde strand
-Aren't you tired of running away?-
his eyes desperately looking at her, wanting for her to be on the same page as him.
He was hoping with his whole being that he hadn't misunderstood what they had, he couldn't risk making their relationship awkward.

She took a deep breath, for the first time having a little hope Jay might feel the same. But she still wasn't ready to talk about that.
-Yes but.... we can talk about that another time- she felt guilty when she saw Jay's eyes lose the shine they had a few seconds ago. But it wasn't the right time yet. Not when Jay was still shocked after his nightmare, when it might have been his fear talking, and she couldn't risk her heart getting broken.

But when Jay tried to turn around and get to the door she grabbed his hand. He turned and looked at her with confusion in his eyes.

-Stay, for tonight - were the only words Hailey said. Those three words that completely changed Jay's mood. His smile plastered on his face again. He didn't know how to answer to that, so he just nodded and let her lead him to her room.
Luckily he had sweats on and not jeans, so they silently laid down.

-Jay- it was a whisper, she wasn't sure if he was asleep since she was facing the other side

-Mhh- he mumbled

-You have saved me countless times, you are my savior- she wanted to let him know that she didn't blame him for anything, that she was grateful for him, for every time he protected her

Hailey has never been this open with him and that made his heart pound in his chest. She could probably feel it but he didn't care, he just hugged her waist tighter with a stupid grin on his face.

It was platonic and innocent, but getting to hug Hailey, feel her body pressed against his made him sleep more peacefully than ever.

One day he'd tell her, he'd show her how much he loved her. But for that night, it was enough.

Hey people!!
This is set somewhere before season 8, decided to give this an open ending, something different from the other one shots.
Also, I have been studying English for like 13 years and still don't know how to conjugate the verbs "lie" and "bear" soooooo 😬

Leave a like and comment... if you want lol
~Vidurangi 🦋

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