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Part two:

-Turn here and stop the car- her voice was firm and clear, not leaving room for any objection.

She had that scary voice, of when she was angry, when she was holding back from punching some asshole.
He was very afraid he was the asshole in that scenario.

Maybe he shouldn't have spilled his feelings just like that, he probably couldn't have chosen a worst time.
When she was with someone else.

He quickly took the next turn and turned off the engine.
She opened the door and got out, not caring that it was raining and harshly closed the door.
He was a little concerned and afraid to get out but still followed her.

A thousand of thoughts in her mind, she began walking without a specific destination.

Chicago was loud. Rain violently falling, cars running, drivers honking every other second.
It was giving her a headache.
Cold rain drops were quietly falling on her face. On her cheeks, on her nose, on her eyelashes, blending with silent tears she had held back for so long.

She was still walking, still ignoring Jay's voice calling her.
She honestly didn't know what to do. Jay clearly meant that he saw her as more that a friend but she was still in awe. But she was also pissed off at his immature behavior.

-Hailey please stop- he reached for hand to stop her, suddenly regretting it after seeing the angry look on her face -I'm sorry I didn't meant to say it like that- his eyes were wide open while looking at her face, even if the rain began to blur his sight.

-Hailey I'm so sorry I avoided you... I don't wanna ruin our friendship, it's just... it hurt seeing you with someone else. I'm sorry for acting that way- he no longer was able to look at her, guilt and shame washing over him, slowly letting go her hand.

-Jay... you can't act like this, you know I just hate it. If something bothers you, you talk to me.-

-I know. I'm sorry.- he was starting to feel uncomfortable, they couldn't pretend he just said he liked her, could they?
-I promise I'll never act like this ever again. Can we forget what I said in the car? I don't want to be a douchebag and get between you and ...-
he didn't even get to finish, a beautiful smile was growing in Hailey's face. She was gorgeous, her blue eyes shining, her cheeks blushing, her wet, golden hair falling down her shoulders.

-Jay shut up- those were the last words before she threw herself into his arms kissing him as if he was the oxygen she needed.
He was taken aback for a few seconds but returned the kiss desperately holding her.

He was so caught in the moment, his hands caressing her back, stopping at her waist and her ass before going to her shoulders to pull her back
-Hailey wait-
She was still dizzy, her mind trying to understand his words -What?-

He was hesitant, he really didn't want to ruin their special moment, but he had to ask. -What about your boyfriend?- his hopeful eyes looking at her. He hated drama and these type of situations but he didn't want to let Hailey go.

-My what?- she asked with a confused face before realizing everything. That's what he meant when he said it hurt him seeing her with someone else. She didn't understand then but it all made sense now. It all started the day OA came to Molly's with her. She was so exited to present him to the others that she totally forgot how weird Jay was being.

The moment it all hit her she wasn't able to hold her loud laugh back, gaining first a surprised and then a hurt look from Jay.
-I'm sorry, I'm sorry... if you're talking about OA, he isn't my boyfriend. He had to come to Chicago for work and I wanted the unit to get to know him.- she confessed still trying to contain her laugh. -He was my partner when I worked with the FBI-

Fuck. What?
He was so embarrassed, his cheeks reminded her of two tomatoes.
His eyes wide open, and a hand on his mouth. He had misunderstood that situation so badly that he was embarrassed to be called a detective. In one of the most esclusive units of Chicago.

He let a chuckle out, that slowly transformed into a full on heart felt laugh.
-What the fuck Hailey...- he was still laughing -I'm a dumbass, aren't I?-

-Yes but you're my dumbass now- she replied throwing her hands around his neck, stared at him for a few seconds before laughing -Ew, I'm so sorry that was so cheesy-

-I like this side of you- he confessed, his hands on her waist, bringing her closer -you know, I always loved a good old kiss under the rain- he smiled, his nose caressing hers.

-What about kisses under the rain?- she asked, kissing him deeply before he could even answer.

Rain was still pouring on them, the truck still awfully parked with the lights on.
Chicago was still loud, cars were still running and drivers were still honking.

But for the two of them everything has changed. Years of repressed feelings coming out, letting them believe, letting them finally see a chance to be happy.

Hey there people!! Sorry for the late update but I got a little sick.
It's not Rona but it still sucks...😭

Hope you enjoyed the ending!

I wanted to thank /@gianna.gabriella.50/ on insta for giving me the idea of a kiss under the rain❤️

Thanks for reading
~Vidurangi 🦋

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